It was going good but i got stuck in a part and couldn't get past it after playing again a while after, i forgot what my quest was about and theres no sign of it in game.. maybe later

I'm obsessed with harry potter and i could not help myself to finish this game
BORING characters and boring exploration. Only good thing is the castle.
Exploring outside does not give you any reward and literally every chest is a fucking piece of clothe that looks goofier than the previous one.
extremely childish and awkward dialogues and the main character (us) is fucking CRINGE, this game needed meaner responses.
boring side quest and i couldn't care less for any of the characters in the game
like 10 hours in or sth i can't go any longer

2 was better but this was pretty good and this time i actually engaged in the relationships more.
i got the bad ending

The story is so fire, the gameplay fun and the sidequest are the best part
too many street fight encounters though

Very inmersive, specially deactivating the map location
the ending kinda sucked and it was kinda confusing but i liked the fact that i actually was feeling like a firewatch
shit got bugged in the middle mission tho
i kinda liked it anyways

It was so hard at the beggining and almost drop it but as soon as i got used to the controls it got so fun to fight and i became so good that i literally skimmed and booste through my way until the end shattering every enemy like it was nothing.
it became so fun to fight

I used to love this game and played with my girlfriend for hours but since we've broken up i haven't been able to get back to it
it is the best farming simulator ever though :D

Even better than gta
wtf i don't get why this game is not more famous
well i kinda do... some dialogues are kinda cringe
but still this is a better open world than gta
the clothes are fucking CRAP though

I began being extremely terrified for these mf to show up and ended up excited for them to appear because the monster killing gameplay is kinda fun
I liked it but the game is way too long though I think
didn't finish the last boss because i kept dying and I ain't waiting for the whole scene to play again
this fucking games needs a skip cinematic option

It's a crazy story for a game, this kinda made me go back into gaming back in 2022 after years of not playing videogames.
The intro was way too good and the gameplay was good even to today's date
idk about playing the second one or third one tho (which everyoen says it sucks)

It's a gta game.
the graphics are so dark and the gameplay feels kind of sloppy
story is surely a lot more dreadful than the other ones.
One thing i hate about this one is how there is not enough character personalization.
idk if i would replay it

It is a good continuation to read dead redemption 2
didn't finish it tho
gameplay hasn't hold up that much

Best open world ever
It has the worst starting chapter a gaming can has which almost made me retreat from this game.
I gave it a chance and it became my favorite game of all time
the amount of stuff you can do it's crazy and the npc ai is like nothing i've ever seen on any game.
I don't believe anything can topple the experience this game gives for a few years
I wish i hadn't played it so i could play it again without knowing anything.
Also it's so long but i didn't even care.
After finishing it i came back to the first chapter and it was not as boring as i remembered it