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6 days ago

advantage wants Gris

6 days ago

advantage completed Among Us
vividly remember having never heard of it until one day everyone couldn't shut up about it. asked a friend what among us was and she couldn't believe i'd never seen it before

6 days ago

6 days ago

advantage completed Mario Kart DS
got it as a tenth birthday present along with my first ds :) toad mains 🔛🔝

6 days ago

advantage reviewed Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
to be honest i have no clue how to play this game and kinda just button mash. but one of my core memories from high school is playing smash in the library after school with my friends while trying and failing to cut apart a raindrop cake from a nearby bakery on camera and somehow even managing to win once or twice and feeling just so insanely happy

6 days ago

advantage earned the Liked badge

8 days ago

8 days ago

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9 days ago

9 days ago

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