i played the recreated browser version, thank you to the folks involved in making that happen

beautiful game, surreal, sprawling. i'm not good at this kind of more difficult puzzle adventure game, so i used a guide on steam to help me tie up loose ends.

interesting idea, not well fleshed out. the plot is a bit nonsensical. the game expects you to do multiple runs, but the content is not easy to repeat, and the choices are not distinctive enough from each other to make it clear what you're doing. a very good idea, though, and worth a play on google play pass if you like text games.

(playing the ad-free version)

simple, satisfying mechanic that gets more difficult and complex. nice design.

an idle clicker that knows when to end? amazing

the art is beautiful, but we hit a point where the game's clues weren't working to solve the puzzles, and even solutions offered by a guide didn't work. very frustrating!

funny, delightful point and click game. short and sweet

great art and writing, and while it is "adult," it's not explicit. morelike a very cute, sex-positive moment of discussion.

it turns into a timing/stealth game partway through

three stars but worth playing.

can't mark it higher because the translation into english is very, very bad, and i think it makes the gameplay a lot harder and more confusing. my friend and i found a lot of contradictions that, uh, weren't intentional.


beautiful, dark, funny, perplexing, distinctive

i played up through chapter 3 in the past so today i just played the recap and then chapter 4. i was also a kickstarter backer. this is a beautiful game, with great art and writing and meaningful different choices throughout. it's genuinely scary for a visual novel. no spoilers but chapter 4 has something very fucked up.

the timed days give this one a sense of urgency -- i failed to do one goal in the time my supervisor wanted, and i'm tempted to play again to see if i can do it. there were also a couple of times i got "stuck" and had to, for example, upload a conflicted piece of data without seeing what the other one was. the timer system underlines that sometimes information feels redundant and it's not clear what might trigger a story event or not. (how many different ways can we say levine is a therapist?)