Amazing gameplay; Terrible, terrible writing

One of the better telltale games based on the Fables series of comics

Great take on walking sims by interlacing different gameplay segments to really drive home the stories. The Factory level is the best

More gameplay of the first game - So if you liked that, youll like this.

The end of the dlc just kinda happens, and doesnt have the same impact the end of the main game does, but still great dlc

freakin hell dude

This game transcends the medium of video games to be a piece of art. Truly special with engaging exploration

Great vibes, fun characters, but the story kinda just ends. Its a great mirror to real life for those who are lost and searching in that turning point of becoming an adult around age 22-24

Classic gameplay, fun puzzle solving, great winter atmosphere

Some obtuse puzzles, but its a classic mystery game. Replaying as an adult was as enjoyable as the nostalgia thought it was

Finished this at a very vulnerable point, and it made an emotional impact on me that I still remember. May have some jank, or a poor ending, but the journey along the way is memorable

A recent patch seriously screwed with the strategic nature of choice in the game kinda ruining it for me. I really hope they reconsider the change, as I have no desire to play it now.

Otherwise, Amazing game. Love the core loop of looting and organizing loot for max bonus. The very different characters keep the game interesting as you can play it like a deckbuilder or Autobattler with the Frog and Bear characters

A bit tedious and grindy on the survival side of it, but the exploration side of the game is top tier. A survival game with a real goal and ending is a rare treasure

Nice, atmospheric walking sim. It really exudes some 'nostalgic summer' vibes that are hard to find in other forms

It was a bit of 'system shock' going straight from Doom (2016) into this, but after playing this, I can't go back. Its so much faster paced, more fluid, and just more plain fun.


High octane FPS that I actually wanted to play. I dislike most FPS games, but the fast paced nature made it engaging