One of the best mario games in my opinion, it's alot of fun :)

Even if the group I played this with at its peak were all terrible people this game was so fun

Unironically better than fall guys

Addictive cute little puzzle game that's perfect for curing boredom :)

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I don't think anything will rival the fun I had playing this one for the first time even if I got spoiled for the Adachi plot twist, my only complaint with it at all is that Marie is a bad character and her arc towards the end of the game was painfully bad especially her dungeon. Honestly I think I'd like this game even more had I played base P4 or just not did her social link to unlock her arc😭 such a good game, I love it sm

This game gets alot of hate but I thought it was fun :)

I really liked this game and really hoped it got dlc but it never got did. Honestly might've been able to be the best mario party if it did it's such a shame

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Boring and extremely repetitive, puzzles are very hit or miss and the combat is garbage, none of it was fun. Horror aspect wasn't the greatest either, but I don't think the game was too focused on it though so I won't either. But to say some positive things: atmosphere is great and visually this game is beautiful! Such a unique artstyle and I love it. Character designs are amazing too.

Definitely wouldn't have gotten through this if it wasn't my boyfriends favorite game ever and I'm really hoping LN3 improves upon this one cuz I could see myself loving it if so.

Also, definitely in the minority here but not a fan of the plot twist, predicted it sort of too.

This games narrative, characters and themes are all so good but god the gameplay is so ass. Tartarus is repetitive garbage, maybe hot take or a skill issue but most of the full moon shadow gimmicks weren't fun (ESPECIALLY the Fortune/Strength). It makes up with all this by having my favorite ending in gaming history, having some of my favorite characters ever and just being interesting from start to finish which I can't say about Persona 4 or 5, this game is beautiful and Reload is a must play for anyone who likes JRPGs.

This is pretty alright :)

This could be good but it's not

Never understood the hype around this one icl, just minecraft but lego and somehow less fun😭

Gameplay is a huge step up but the story is the most alright at best narrative ever made

Biggest letdown of 2023 for me its such a shame

this game is very Interesting