Easily the most fun game ever made. It's like a 4-5 hour campaign but u could easily dump tens to hundreds more just replaying levels it's so good. The story isn't all that specal and the dialogue is extremely corny and hard to get through but it really doesn't matter cuz the game is just so damn good. Please play it, it's on almost all platforms (sorry xbox), it's cheap, and super fun, editing this cuz I somehow didn't even bring up the OST it's also amazing

A husk of the 2016 GOTY winner that only seems to be getting worse as time goes on

i forget about this game alot but it was fun when i was like 7 i like it :)

Easily the worst game I've ever played it's honestly not even close, this game killed the sonic franchise for me entirely

This game could've been so good if only it wasn't made by ubisoft such a damn shame

this game cool but i don't understand it cuz i suck at fgs🙏

Haven't even finished it cuz I suck at it and it's frustrating but peak

Originally this game had alot of potential but now I think it's a lost cause, this game is a mess with bad physics, bad maps, bad matchmaking, everything about it just kinda sucks and it's really upsetting.


Fun with friends (obviously, it's uno) but it has that classic ubisoft jank that makes it less enjoyable

i would like this series alot more if it ended after this

this one was good actually

this one isn't very good actually