Don't care for it at all anymore but 10 years ago this game was the shit

Nintendo's magnum opus, if u don't like this game I can't trust u

i don't remember much abt this game at all but 8yo me played and loved it

this was my awakening as a child that bad video games exist and not all of them are fun

only cod i actually played for more then like 2 hours it's cool

nasb 2 please be good
Update: nasb 2 was not good

this one has a persona character and minecraft steve in it but the movement feels insultingly bad and the online sucks im so upset

playing this with my friends over in 2015 weekends is a feeling i will never have again

This game blows hard but it got me into platform fighters and I have so much nostalgia connected to it

This review was written before the game released

Such a love-hate relationship with this game but overall it's pretty neat, wish more people enjoyed it :)

The award winning, critically acclaimed JRPG that pushed the Persona series into the mainstream is sadly just not as good as the other ones I've played, not to say it's bad it's just overrated as hell to me. The games cast is much more forgettable compared to P3 and P4 and the story just isn't as good as theirs and is honestly boring for a good portion of the runtime and LOTS of unnecessary dialogue that explains things that literally just happened which is extremely annoying but when this game shines it's SO good, easily the best gameplay in the series (Reload most likely takes this in just a few weeks, but it's not out at the time of writing this :P), Akechi, Kasumi, Maruki, Ryuji and Makoto are all phenomenal characters and the final arc/dungeon of the game is the series peak to me And I'm not sure if it can be topped, very good game and it will always hold a special place in my heart for being my first persona/SMT game but it's just not as good as the others in comparison.

this deserves its own rating it was so bad

worst map, worst battle passes, the lore is worse then ever, there was a 3 week star wars event just straight ASS but it added gohan goku black miles and 2099 so it gets 1 star

this had the potential to be better then c2 then it was ass past s1 so yeah thank you epic games