Enjoyed what I played. Interesting world and captivating minute-to-minute gameplay.

Solid strategy game. Love slowly learning more and more about the aliens you're up against.

Definitely overshadowed by its inspirations, but manages to bring enough new ideas to the table to stand on its own. Love the visual style.

Unique. The perfect length. Worth a shot if you like challenging shooters and gory B movies.

Feels like it was developed by a committee. Does nothing but poorly mimic the popular shooter trends of its era. Whatever magic the series had is absent here.

Worst of the three. Hardly feels like a sequel to its predecessors, despite being the last chapter in the "trilogy". Brings little interesting to the table and is mostly forgettable. Also, Ellie deserved better.

A beautiful mixed bag with a terrible narrative and even worse thematic content.

Fun in the moment, but gets boring fast.

Fantastic narrative set in an oppressive, unforgiving world. Few games elicit the emotions that this one does. The survival elements are pitch perfect.

People like to say this is where the series started to go downhill. Honestly, this is just the culmination of years of bad decisions. Very little here is worth mentioning.

Refreshing return to this world and style of gameplay. Just the right length. Whenever the gameplay runs the risk of becoming stale, they introduce something interesting. Absolutely worth playing if you like the original.