Great gameplay focused in puzzle solving. This is my first 2D Zelda so I can't compare, but I really enjoyed it

I'm 16 and this is deep: the videogame.

Coming from 3DS' A Link Between Worlds this feels like a step down. It's a great game still, but the gameplay doesn't flow the same way. Probably being a remake of an old game affected some decisions. Art style look really good, it's a shame there are noticable frame drops all the time.

Gameplay is too generic, is the same open world game you've already played before. But the world is beautiful and the main story is acceptable. You'll find yourself doing the same mission (I'm looking at you, track steps of enemies in the mud trope) multiple times. Combat is fun, mostly because of ghost weapons you can acquire in the game. Platforming in the game doesn't pose any difficulty.
Reading this review, you may think giving it a 3.5 is too much, but the overall experience is OK. I played on PS5, the game runs smooth and load times are non existent.

This game is hard! I'd have a hard time completing it if I didn't select the easier mode added for the Switch re-release. It's Nintendo, so you can expect nice platforming. I'd like some new ideas in the mix, they could learn something from Celeste to combine even harder levels but a quicker way for players to retry after a failure.
Collectibles offer a nice amount of replayability.

Technically impressive. 120hz performance RT mode is brilliant.
Story and characters are dull (also, why is everyone screaming all the time?).
Puzzle sections are boring, felt as part of another game.
Whole game and specially platforming is not challengin at all.
I'd like a little less focus on weapon variaty and make each of them more deep and harder to master.
Feels very similar to 2016 reboot.
Character design is great.
Game is enjoyable, but lacks soul IMHO.

Step forward in gameplay and graphics, step backwards in character plots. PS: killing your parents is not OK.

The definitive Naughty Dog experience. The game that defined a generation and started the trend of narrative driven single player games. Everyone still remembers the train segment.

It grows on you and you become addicted to hunting. I finally could complete it, although I ended up using a guide and doing some leveling up in the autogenerated tombs.
The missing half star is for the rough performance in some parts and not so friendly learning curve. I don't think FromSoft should be safe from that kind of criticism. It's been my first Souls-like game, so I expected a learning curve, but Bloodborne did not feel as "the beginner friendly Souls-like".

It's an iteration on BOTW, there's no much innovation between the two but this feels like a better game.
Link's abilities are more interesting on TOTK and the sky islands and new traversal methods are a welcome addition. The pain point of this game is repetition. But everything else is so smooth I could spend 20 hours more if there was another region on there. For me, it's the kind of game that you play while listening to a podcast.