177 Reviews liked by akairaiju

This games reception is probably one of the worst of all time and it affects a lot of people’s perception of when they do hop on this game and it takes away all their own opinions to formulate themselves and automatically prepares them to expect the bad and never any good. That being said, this game is a huge test to whether you are able to filter out the bad opinions and listen to your own opinions because honestly this is one of the greatest JRPG adventures continuing off from an already amazing game which is Xenoblade 1.

Getting this out the way as fast as possible, my only complaint was the checks on having certain field skills at certain points in the game and this is more towards the end of the game, this really hits the pacing and it feels just disconnected if you aren’t hitting those field skills correctly and I didn’t have any problems personally but I could see why people are complaining and this is because of the gacha system they implemented for blades. That’s basically my complaint and it’s not that huge, not even contributing to the overall combat and narrative.

This game is the definition if you have a lick of common sense, not for everyone but certainly for me. People who review this game as a hentai game is doing this entry in the series a big disservice. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is one of the most misunderstood games ever and it’s just unfortunately gonna stay that way. Following public opinion and sticking with it just makes you look goofy as hell, for the people who dislike this game, they can keep disliking cause it’s obvious that they are just birds Inna flock with no common sense at all.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is one of the best sequels to a series ever, this cast is one of my favorites excluding one character who contributes jack shit but yeah. I could see why people get turned away by the first four chapters cause it’s definitely slow and it has a lot to build on but what JRPG doesn’t have this same problem to let them cook. The antagonist group with Jin and Malos are really just one of my favorite pair of antagonists ever. Getting into the main cast and Rex, Mythra/Pyra, Nia are just my absolute favorites and just hit very hard especially alongside with the other cast members (again sayin excluding one). Xenoblade 2 cast is just beautifully created and how their characters feel so real on talking about how life is and their own ideals and what matters to them. Zeke also being one of my favorite cast members ever in a party group, the way he was introduced and handled throughout the game was just so good. Rex and Jin being foils to each other, mutuals characters dealing with their own inner strife such as Nia on hiding herself for most of the game until she finally is able to come out and be happy alongside Rex who was able to find his reasons to keep going which includes her, Pyra/Mythra and the party, just so much amazing things going on for the characters that’s just beautiful

The finale stretch is amazing as always for a Xenoblade game and reveals huge things especially more information about what exactly happens and also showing a bit of action in what happened before in XC1s plot that’s connected to the current plot. This story being connected with themes of healing your own wounds, getting up from despair, deciding for yourself whether you should keep going or stop on road, caring for others, carrying on for the next generation of people to take over. It definitely means something to me, something about not just adding into making sure we make our own choices for our future continuing on from xc1, but to make sure we rely on the people around us, to stick true to our own selves especially. The world will always get its way and it will fail the people, it will fail us and shit will happen and it could be tough to recover from it, but there’s always the hope and our own will to keep on going, to keep the people around you and to provide each other with comfort, and when that day comes when said person is to pass or it’s you that passes, we pass on ourselves and our important memories to provide for the future and to keep personally to ourselves to remind us. This world is not a pretty one and there’s always gonna be conflict and sadness, but there’s also the good times when we are happy, it’s as simple as Rex says it.

Thank You Xenoblade 2

I love Okabe so much it's unreal

I saw Kondo in my dreams last night, he said PEAK IS HERE. I believed it and woke from my slumber to see a copy of Kai No Kiseki on my lap. I shed a tear and said "I love music."

This game is gonna change my life and the trajectory of the series

Source: it was revealed to me in my dreams with Kondo.

i got the cancer guy from the starting gacha and ive never been happier in my life

same budget as the awful anime

About as close as a video game can get to being a genuine epic, with a grand, sprawling narrative set in a dynamic world driven by a plethora of distinct characters with their own baggages and arcs.

And it's still not even the best the series has to offer.

I'm ngl this game (if it can even be called one) is really fucking bad. Like. Genuine trash. Actual comedy. I can't believe they thought this was a good, no, even a mediocre idea. Easily 0/10, now, you might think, why did you give this a 5/10?

It's simple actually

It has Kevin Graham. He's there. I can see him moving, attacking, and throwing Grail Sphere. And, as bad as this game is, that's something that no trails game can say since Sky 3rd. I'm craving for Kevin. Anything they give me is good at this point. I am desperate. And only for that will i give this a 2.5/5. When Kevin comes back in a REAL game I'll lower this to 0.5 as it truly belongs. For now tho, this is where Kevin is at, and my scores are where Kevin is.



On it's own, it has soo many flaws but as a whole saga it's a really incredible, one of a kind journey and I have no regrets spending HUNDREDS of hours on them and watching every arc unfold to reach this epic finale. The experience as a whole made this very special.

you really gotta be able to meet this game where it stands, as it's not that it has cracks as much as it is the earthquake itself. but there's few more insane things to witness than to see this level of ambition repeatedly crumble on itself in a phantasmal blaze of glory.

In Cold Steel 1 & 2, I was not able to see any of the girl's panties. The garbage camera system made it too difficult. There was only one time, which was in CS2 (one of the Class VII girls was sitting on a round table).
In CS3 though? They made it effortless to upskirt. Bravo to Falcom for making that change. It could still be improved though. Assuming that it will work the exact same way in Cold Steel 4, here's hoping it is further improved in Hajimari.

they made a game about lloyd bannings

I didn't expect much coming to this game knowing it's just a bridge to a new arc, but I was soo wrong. For a closing arc, this game has one of the best character development I've seen. The characters as well, though some played a more passive role for the sake of putting the new ones on the spotlight, they were all still great, especially the new additions. With daydreams, one of the best features of this game, old characters are given the stage to show how much they've grown, with my favourite being Ash, watching his daydream really makes me realize how much have actually changed since the past games. Having gone from a "troublemaker" to being a more soft and reliable person for those around him. Other characters that has a romance sub-plot like Olivier and Scherazard are also given a really wholesome, romantic moment through daydream and not just put aside.

The story itself is fantastic, not the best in the world, but still quite peak, mostly by how the 3 routes works together. C's Route is very well written and the most well written one in the game, it's where the character development shines the brightest, making me change my perspective of "C" a full 180 after playing through it. The new character added also really shows actual substance and development, not just a soulless filler given form. Rean's route was really cool, it has a lot of peak moments especially when it intersects with C's, it plays quite like an action movie. Lloyd's route was the weakest for me, but still good nonetheless, it has its peak moments as well, just not as deep as C's route or as consistent as Rean's.

This game, though supposed to be the shortest compared to the Cold Steel series, took me the longest to complete. With the addition of the Reverie corridor and those that comes along with it. Everything is made bigger and better. They went full throttle on peak moments and payoffs.

Hands down, the best game in the series for me. Trails through Daybreak soon.

Edit: Finished post game. My opinion is that it's even better than before LOL

I've always said that there's not any game that's perfect, and that every game has very obvious flaws if you get nit-picky (or in the case of bad games, you don't need to)

but Reverie is the closest thing to perfection I've had the pleasure of playing, there was not a single thing about this game i disliked or thought was lacking, combat is my favorite combat ever, characters from past games which i already loved (and the new ones were also very good, on my top tier of trails character for sure), ost was insanely good, story kept me hooked from the beginning (i'm a crossbell fan, yes, it checks out)

there's simply not a thing i didn't love about this game. it let's you play however you want it, doesn't punish you for not grinding any of your ~50 characters and provides excellent ways to level them up and to always go around changing your party if you want to with creative and fun missions that don't punish you for not grinding

the only bad thing? i can't go around recommending it because you need to play 9 games before this LMAOOO, maybe it's a good thing, this way i can't be as obnoxious as i was with the DGS Duology.

definitely my favorite game ever and i hope the trails series keeps attracting new players with each new entry because it's 100% the best rpg series to ever be made. can't wait to keep playing with kuro and future arcs