177 Reviews liked by akairaiju

How did Konami manage to ruin raiden character that bad

The cyclops should have kept the penis

as a DMC/God of War guy, it's an OK button masher. as a fan of mainline Metal Gear, i wish i could stop seeing the MG opinions of people who only played this and MGSV.

i love loewe and renne

i love sc

i love this game

this is real gaming that started this series and pushed it into favorites

I can't even read it but I can already tell it's better than anything Ryukishi has written

Make persona 5 arena cowards

They dont make Atelier (yuri) like this anymore...

I don't care what anyone says I enjoyed the hell out of Extra and Unlimited. Can't really see them as a "hump" that has to be slogged through in order to get to the "good part." All of it is good.

god came down from the heavens and went to square enix to tell yoshi-p to make final fantasy xvi

I had an existential crisis when i tried to think too hard about the themes of this work. it's beautiful. I will say that i think the age of this work works a lot against it but the fact that a remake exists gives me a lot of hope through that it can live up to its full potential. While in many ways it is the same scenario as subahibi (more accurately, subahibi is a reimagining of the tsui no sora scenario) I found the overall themes to be much more profound and consistent in this one and I enjoyed that a lot. (I will say that subahibi is better in many other ways and is overall the better of the two).