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Tegiminis is now playing Deadlock

4 days ago

Tegiminis earned the Replay '14 badge

5 days ago

Tegiminis completed Titanfall
Trying to make a multiplayer-only mobility shooter where the whole story is told through the PvP matches is clever, but it fell flat. 2 is an improvement in almost every single respect.

6 days ago

Tegiminis completed Nidhogg
Flawless local-multiplayer shenanigans. I like this art style a lot more than the skater-punk style of the sequel.

6 days ago

Tegiminis completed Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes
A decent introduction to the vibe and play of MGS5, well-made and fun, but I cannot forgive this game for the "bomb in a girl's pussy" story conceit.

6 days ago

Tegiminis completed Wolfenstein: The New Order
Possibly the best depiction of post-traumatic dissociation in any game I've played, ever, and for that alone it deserves 5 stars. BJ doesn't go crazy, he doesn't hallucinate, he's just disconnected from his life until triggered, upon which he flies into a murderous frenzy.

Game's also really good so that helps. Well-made levels that are just open enough to make encounters dynamic while not so open it feels aimless. "Combat stealth" is the promise of FEAR's AI fulfilled. It's just good! Shame about the sequels.

6 days ago

Tegiminis completed Jazzpunk
A "walking simulator" for people who enjoy japes and pranks. Clever, funny, and aged nicely. Some of the jokes don't land / aren't super funny, but the whole is so charming and well-constructed that I can't help but love it.

6 days ago

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