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Gilium finished Dragon Warrior
It's hard to talk about a game like the original Dragon Quest.Of course the only reason you would want to play an RPG this old,archaic yet revolutionary,would be to witness the roots of a favorite franchise of yours,and appreciate the things it accomplished at it's time.And in my opinion,DQ1 is still fairly enjoyable in that regard.Sure,even with a patch that doubles your experience and gold per battle, at least %80 of your runtime will be grinding,and rest of it will be finishing up like,3 or 4 quests.But honestly,that's fine,simplicity of this game has a certain charm to it,especially when you pop in some CRT filter on your emulator.Since every level up and equipment upgrade feels like a huge boost for your character,grinding was enjoyable for me,it has a cozy feeling to it.Because no matter how simple it is,this still feels like Dragon Quest.Art,music,sense of progression and adventure,it's all here,no matter how barebones they are.And like every Dragon Quest game i play,i feel like i'm meeting an old friend while playing it.I can't say i had a lot of fun in DQ1,but i honestly can't bring myself to dislike or hate it

9 hrs ago

Gilium reviewed Dragon Warrior
It's hard to talk about a game like the original Dragon Quest.Of course the only reason you would want to play an RPG this old,archaic yet revolutionary,would be to witness the roots of a favorite franchise of yours,and appreciate the things it accomplished at it's time.And in my opinion,DQ1 is still fairly enjoyable in that regard.Sure,even with a patch that doubles your experience and gold per battle, at least %80 of your runtime will be grinding,and rest of it will be finishing up like,3 or 4 quests.But honestly,that's fine,simplicity of this game has a certain charm to it,especially when you pop in some CRT filter on your emulator.Since every level up and equipment upgrade feels like a huge boost for your character,grinding was enjoyable for me,it has a cozy feeling to it.Because no matter how simple it is,this still feels like Dragon Quest.Art,music,sense of progression and adventure,it's all here,no matter how barebones they are.And like every Dragon Quest game i play,i feel like i'm meeting an old friend while playing it.I can't say i had a lot of fun in DQ1,but i honestly can't bring myself to dislike or hate it

9 hrs ago

9 hrs ago

15 hrs ago

15 hrs ago

Rhaloth is now playing The First Descendant

16 hrs ago

Gilium followed UnNameless

18 hrs ago

Gilium backloggd Felvidek

20 hrs ago

RoboticDevil is now playing It Takes Two

21 hrs ago

22 hrs ago

ErenD_18 backloggd Metal Gear

22 hrs ago

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