a disappointing sequel due to more gimmicky stages, lower difficulty, a forgettable soundtrack (apart from a select few songs) and a boring setting. However, it's still donkey Kong country, and while it's not the pinnacle of the series, it still trumps most of the platformers of that era and even some which are released today.

solid ass platformer. However the controls are a tad slippery, the visuals are terribly plain, the game does not present much challenge and progression walls such as forest of illusion break the pace of the game. It's crammed with secrets like nothing else though

overrated game
Capitalises off of undertales subversive use of your own pc to break the fourth wall, thin, edgy shock value and anime girls. It's a letsplayers paradise.

i won't lie, I kind of felt insane after realising I just played a fully Japanese game using a script posted online but hey, it was pretty damn fun. However the dungeons get ridiculously unforgiving come the second half of the game and the combat is fucking brain-dead. Cool ost as well


Some of the most satisfying gunplay in videogame history and incredibly inventive levels. You can also do flips mid air so it's probably the best game of all time

boring, easy ass gameplay with clunky shooting mechanics and mission structure so strict you would think you were in a dictatorship rather than one of the most highly praised videogames of all time. Completely saved by the outstanding script and good characters.

while it may have been a heavy hitter on release, what remains is a campaign which uses bombastic setpieces as a facade for uninvolved, boring, lengthy shooting galleries

sonic once again reinvents the formula of a 2d platformer with complex, branching level design where player skill is rewarded with speed, beautifully detailed levels and arguably the greatest video game soundtrack to bless the 90s

a tense decision based plot with flawed and human characters mixed with a challenging, addicting and extremely fun block puzzle game. Perfection

while outshined by it's incredible sequel, dkc1 is an incredible platformer with impressive visuals, a brilliant ost, and inventive levels which feel more natural than Mario's erratic placements of blocks and pipes

some of the most inventive and challenging levels of any 2d platformer, great visuals and one of the most beautiful and recognised video game soundtracks of all time. Why the fuck would you play mario

fun and dynamic gameplay, memorable characters and the most brainfuck, genius, subversive plot in video game history