5 reviews liked by andw93

Probably a better game than the first game, but not quite as enjoyable an experience. Not that Max Payne 2 is bad; it's always fun to dip into bullet time as Max (or Mona) and use your arsenal to ragdoll goons all over the place. It's just missing a spark - there are great moments but the story maybe takes itself a bit too seriously, or possibly I just miss Sam Lake's face contortions on Max's character model and the graphic novel cutscenes.

Some time ago, when PSP was a fresh new thing, my cousin whom I have not seen in years came to visit, and brought his PSP with Burnout Legends with him. My memories of what happened after are kind of foggy, but I can safely say I spent more time with Legends than I did with my cousin.
Me being a shitty person aside, this was, and still is the absolute peak of arcade racing for me. You can drive and crash a wide array of cars in even wider array of events, while listening to soundtrack made from nothing but bangers, and you can do that anywhere you want. What else would anyone want from a game?
Only years later I learned that Legends is more like of a compilation of cars/tracks/music from Burnout games previously released on home consoles. Part of me wonders whether I would have enjoyed Legends even more if I was a fan of the series before that, but...that's probably impossible.

Me when I'm in a "shut down the best racing game developers" competition and my opponent is Sony

Assassin's Creed II is in my opinion the prime of the AC games. The character of Ezio is so cool, the gameplay is good, the story is engaging and thrilling and the overall atmosphere of the game is really well done. That and the way the cities are built makes this game a legendary game for its time

Feels really unfinished and unpolished as of now, better keep playing cities skylines 1