115 Reviews liked by anriwarhol

Ta graciosete, no lo compraría pero recomendable si lo juegas desde el gamepass.

the nerve to release this when Disco Elysium is on the market

Quite an enjoyable romantic story with a diversely queer cast. Was also quite happy to see dietary issues addressed naturally throughout.

Saata andaagii !!!!!1!!!11 :33

i like it when osaka starts to dance like peter griffin, like in that one episode where he sings 'the bird is the word'. do you think she watches family guy at her free time?

In my copy osaka doesn't have any limbs and her hair is blue and only sometimes does she have a head but the back of it is gone and you can see the eyes on the other side. Real life creepypasta.

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NeoWiz's "Lies of P" is a "Souls-like" video game loosely based on the 1883 novel - The Adventures of Pinocchio and NeoWiz's first tackle at the "Souls-like" genre we've all come to love.

How does it fair compared to other "Souls-likes?"

There are many "Souls-likes" nowadays a few examples of such games are: Hollow Knight, The Surge, Remnant2 & The Lords Of The Fallen(2014). Lies of P easily blows out most of the games on this list, maybe even the entire list if Hollow Knight wasn't on there xddddddddddd. Why you may ask? it feels polished, the gameplay is fun and lots of customization for your build using quarts to level up your p organs to fit your playstyle, changing weapon handles or even the blade of the weapon. engaging lore & areas that look straight out of Bloodborne! However, there is somethings I'd like to point out. They lock a p organ upgrade behind Phase 2 called "Rising Dodge" which in my opinion is pretty much a mandatory get due to enemies in the later areas being able to just combo hits and if you are hit, you will be permanently stunlocked on the ground until their combo is finished, but with the upgrade that allows you to dodge on the ground you can escape. The difficulty in the game spikes at around the half way point where you meet The King Of Puppets who is the first real challenge in the game, this was the first boss that took me around 10+tries to beat, all the other previous bosses before him I'd either first try or take 2 tries and bosses after, some not that many attempts such as 2 or a bit more but others 10+ with a total of 20.5hrs to finish the game. I believe this is also the point when bosses here and after start getting a phase 2 to them, which if you've played a souls game or "soulslike" is nothing new, but this may be one of the reasons The King Of Puppets is spiked in terms of difficulty and the rest of the game, depending on your playstyle this boss can be more challenging or not - perfect guarding and dodging(depending on the boss/moves) overall seem the best in any fight in this game with DEX being the best. The rapier for example is just so quick and you can get hits in fairly easily and with its heavy it pushes you back, if you're going STR I truly believe the game would be infinitely harder due to the weapons just being so slow and bosses past this point start becoming REALLY quick to the point STR weapons are just simply too slow that there is hardly any windows to hit the boss without getting hit yourself.

The Gameplay

The core gameplay of Lies of P is sort of a mix between Sekiro, Bloodborne/Darksouls. The Sekiro aspect comes from Perfect Guarding which if successful enough times you will actually break their weapons. There is some moves in the game called furry attacks (when they glow red) that are only "dodgeable" by perfect guarding until later when you can acquire a ring to be able to dodge those attacks. Every enemy in the game feels pretty unique, there is lots of backtracking due to secrets.

Overall, its pretty solid would rec 8/10 - IGN why am I reviewing this anyway.

ps i forgor but if u guard and get hit you take dmg still just not as much but if u instantly start attacking back you gain that lost hp back so it promotes an unga bunga aggressive playstyle kinda based if u ask me

Hay realmente cosas muy buenas en este juego. La ambientación, la historia, la música... Sin embargo se ve lastrado por un diseño deficiente. No sabe cuándo NO copiar a la fórmula Souls, pero sin el talento de From Software para los jefes.

Eso da situaciones que son simplemente frustrantes, como minibosses con chorrocienta vida y justo después un boss con cinemática y dos fases al que vences en un suspiro. Demasiados suelos que se hunden, demasiadas emboscadas, demasiada... mierda. Si cogen confianza en sí mismos, una secuela puede ser un auténtico pepinazo, porque la base la tienen.

Ah, y es mejor historia de Pinocho que la de Guillermo del Toro.

"Você realmente acha Lies of P, melhor que Dark Souls?"

Sim, e estou cansado de fingir que não

This game is such a little gem, impeccable humor and a great mystery to unravel! As expected from Shu Takumi, fans of Ace Attorney will definitely enjoy this one, and a great introduction to what draws people to Shu Takumi's games for those who haven't played any before. Can't recommend it enough, and it only takes around 12hs to complete. Find the reboot in all platforms!

This is basically a bloodborn spin off, I really enjoyed this game. From gameplay to optimization to the combat and dodging. We finally got a bloodborn type game on PC lol. Very interesting design they went with the character though, was the game hard? Yes, so if you ain't that good at souls type games, I would still tell you to buy it because you gotta experience this amazing game.



A experiência mais linda de toda minha vida. Todo cenário é maravilhoso, todas as escolhas de cor se encaixam perfeitamente e fazem você sentir tudo que os criadores querem te passar, além de tudo que o jogo trás na sua cabeça é simplesmente maravilhoso.

The idea of a more open Umihara Kawase is great, but the way that was actually executed (a handful of big levels that get broken up into small stages for quests) means that you're basically just grappling through the same few areas a bunch of times. I can't hate on the game that much since the core grapple physics are still great and I actually like the art style quite a bit, but it's nowhere near as good as Sayonara or the little bit of the original that I've played.