A perfectly acceptable First Tetris game, and a somewhat understandable "best" tetris game for those too scared to look into the beyond of Arika's masterpieces or the stunning world of fear contained by Tetr.io.

One of two rhythm games I've ever aspired to be good at. Gotta shoot them ghosts in the nose, man. Got to.

People say this game doesn't actually work on brain training but idk my arithmetic is still pretty fast.

I wish I could review the Zune version because that is the one I played most.

Every complaint one could have about the first Doom actually exists here. Needless mazes, lots of backtracking, every single Doom complaint. It's still neat but it's not worth going back to.

The only reason I don't regret playing this is the decades of enjoyment that have come from seeing people wildly misunderstand the story, or broadcast that they don't actually know what happened in the game and just think the characters are hot. All that also got multiplied with how wantonly the Remake series is going to detonate the canon in strategic places, bringing it all down on our heads like so much pizza. I don't actually know if it's good anymore.

An all-time vibes champion of the early days of arcades. Belligerent and swift, confident and still a little bit ahead of its time in its pacing and maximalism.

overblown scavenger hunt that inspired thousands of other overblown scavenger hunts.

The point at which it became clear to me that the addition of weapons to metroid is actually a detriment to this style of game. At some point "Action RPG" got turned into "a subpar action game where you have to compare products on amazon" and while not the worst example of this trend, it's very obvious going back to the other GBA Castlevanias that the variety of weapon choices is a salve onto a world that has to be sanded down so you can have the option to make those choices.

besides, whipping skeletons to death with a chain is so much cooler than using swords or whatever

One of the last bright spots of Treasure's output, a stunning time travel platformer with so much friction in its action that it feels like the game grinds your nervous system as you play it and uncover some other weird new corner of where everything is going, who everyone is, all of that. It's like if 13 Sentinels didn't want to cry in the club.

I feel about Toribash the same way that I feel about Chess or Go: objectively neat, I'm just too much of a meathead for it.

My favorite FInal Fantasy. I don't like Final Fantasy. You think these things are related.

A deep inspiration to my own DIY instincts. Do not be stopped by deficits, make the deficits dance for you. Also stylish as fuck.

pouring one out for my homie hakan, street fighter 4 sux tho

A masterclass in psychic damage.