the jimmy mcgee video has a good overview of the good points and it runs on everything so anyone wanting to know can just go play it, which to be clear, I recommend

The brilliant post-punk band's mid 2nd album. Still has all the things worth appreciating- setting, commitment to non-traditional violence, being a game to hang out with friends with. It's got all that stuff, just not as good!

Decided to go outside of my comfort zone and hit the jackpot. Time devouring tactics, which I'm fortunate enough to be able to use while on an exercise bike. It also has a story, I hear.

Last year, my personal GOTY was tied between Void Stranger and Pizza Tower. I eventually decided to get behind Void Stranger because it was more important to me to tell people to play it and how fuckin impossible great it is. Pure mechanics though? Pizza Tower in a walk. This year, Pizza Tower is threatening to do it a-fucking-gain with a free update that adds a new playable character that plays so differently that all these stages look and act differently now. They also added a secret third mode that I think could possibly get someone killed! What a great game!

I remember when yahoo first introduced virtual chatrooms, which you could try for free but needed to host them to get people to join, and, well, this was at a point where I didn't know anyone with both The Internet and Any Desire To Do This. Anyways, one of their visual chatrooms was a weird skatepark that in my mind's eye has the same color scheme as the original Half-Life 2 trailer on that pier going into early Ravenholm. Using my formless avatar I ran up and down the half pipe, pretending I was skateboarding.

About 25 years later, the other kid who did that probably released this. I wish I could tell them I understand what they mean.

Gift of the Magi'd myself. Got this game to support a friend going through a tough time only to learn they thought I bought it for myself, and the tough time might prevent them from being able to play this. My fault! There have never been two good Tekkens in a row, and, well, behold. I'm definitely not just bitter because I became a Ganryu main at the end of Tekken 7 and will almost 100% never get to play my beautiful boy again.

I've met the person this game is designed for and you are right to be mad at them.

The introduction of Early Access Games was a neat development in the game industry, as a direct counterattack to the industry's love affair with never admitting anything is happening in their games until they have to either apologize or promote something new. Nuclear Throne introduced to me a brand new downside: The Desire They'd Stop Working On The Game, It's Fine The Way It Is. There's a Nuclear Throne that exists a few versions before launch that I would kill to get back, because the thing it is now cares too much about the interstitial and not just hitting the button to fuckin deploy the asskicking. In many ways, this is the story of Vlambeer: violent action that couldn't get out of their own fuckin way. Seeing their blueprints aped so poorly is worse, but not an unfamiliar bummer for anyone who likes The Jesus Lizard and then hears 90% of noise rock bands.

one of my friends wrote a perfect review of this game so I'll just go with "more like Unearned"

Prior to my Open World Game Breaking Point, I found this game an enormous joy for all of the reasons you've heard before. I fell for all the base moves of the story because of how they were presented and what time they came out. It wasn't until I tried a second playthrough a year later that I saw my breakup with open world games coming. I now have no ability to place this game's quality amongst contemporaries, as I'm not capable of looking at open world games without dread. I sure loved it then!

Bounced off this as a child whose relationship with their family involved a lot of Shining Force. Came back to it after the switch re-release to discover how well made this game is, especially in the face of recent playthroughs of the kinds of classic games this one walks in the wake of. Fiercely economic in word and action.

I mainly remember the person I played this game with, who among stories I have of them will only recite the time that he was convinced that you needed to pop the stovetop popcorn with the paper on top of the foil, and only let the smoke alarm and his furious aerobic teacher mother waking up to a smokefilled house convince him this was not the case. We played this game in that kitchen sometimes because they were that well off, to have a TV with AV hookups in the kitchen. I occasionally dream of that house. Weird kid.

Often as fun as hearing someone yell "FUCK IT BRO" and then speed away. Maybe you're in the car. Maybe you're not. It's that thrill regardless. I messed up the endgame scenario bad enough to make the game loop, and cried laughing doing it.

These sick fucks. All the trailers for this game were about how it's the Sonic Mania team and how it's this big fun platform adventure that's a throwback to like what if the sega saturn had more going on. They didn't tell anyone they made Gimmick 3D! Who the fuck would be cruel enough to sell Gimmick 3D to kids?!