One of the best games I've ever played. Considering I'm not a fan of the RPG format- it's amazing how much this game made me enjoy its mechanics. No encounter feels overdone or annoying to complete- even when I encountered the same monster twice. And the flavor text accompanied as you're "fighting" made the act of fighting to be actually fun. I've never played a bullet hell before- and now that I have- I almost wish most RPGs took that format of gameplay.

Moving away from mechanics and focusing on story- the story is really the heart of the game. It's unique- in both world building and actual story beats. Plot twists feel actually thought out. Though the "meta" trope is a bit overdone in our year 2023- it didn't feel overdone at the time of playing this back when it first released. I reckon it probably wouldn't feel overdone even by today's standards. Perhaps only because it's just plain done really well.

The characters are endearing. Yes- even the annoying ones. And the humor doesn't overstay it's welcome. When this game is serious- it's serious. The story is also easy to understand- despite it's outlandish concept. When it comes to the story- the best way to play this game is the most obvious. Don't kill anyone. If you accomplish that- you'll get the true ending- which is the most satisfying ending.

I can't recommend this enough.

This game is just amazing. What else is there to say?

I suppose I should give my criticisms first. When it comes to the story- it's pretty generic. And the characters aren't as deep as I'd like. Nevertheless- it's still an enjoyable experience. And it's not hard to fall in love with the characters all the same. Zelda, of course, being the one you empathize with the most. Even Link- as a silent protagonist- still feels like a person. Their relationship is the highlight, in my humble opinion. I just only wish there was more.

Moving onto gameplay- this game probably is the best open world game I've played. Not only is it fun to actually explore- it's a bit addicting. Every time I wanted to stop- I'd see another cool thing in the horizon, and I just couldn't help myself.

This next bullet point is my own bias. The combat is good. But not what I like the most. It's grounded. Slow. Difficult. Rewarding, though. But as someone who plays hack and slash- think something like Nier Automata- I had to unlearn a lot of my methods. Link isn't invincible. He's actually quite vulnerable. More often than not- you have to pick your battles. At least at the start, anyway. It made the experience a bit frustrating- but again- I can see why it's built the way that it is.

Going back to praise- I guess I should just emphasize the exploration again. It's just. SO fun to explore. And that's- in my opinion- the heart of the game. The exploration. If you don't like to explore- you probably won't like this game.

This review is a little all over the place. Ironically, I want to close this review off with another bias. I. love. cooking. In fact- I just love to relax, in games. This game- ironically- even with all the combat- is very, very relaxing to play. So to anyone who loves that sort of vibe- (and who also loves cooking- can't stress this enough)- check this out. You might like it. Or not.

But I liked it. So- hurray!


This is a bad good game.

I love this game, don't get me wrong. I love it's story, it's characters, but when I think about my time spent playing this game- the only time I spent really enjoying it was the beginning- when everything was new- and at the end- when everything came together.

My biggest criticism? The "Omori" world. Or whatever is the canon name for it. I understand it's necessity in the story. It gives us an understanding of the characters back when they were young- and the state of our protagonist's mind in the present. It's a necessity. I just wish it was done better. Maybe even- done shorter.

A lot of the game is spent in a world that isn't real. Nearly all of the story beats in it- not relevant to the plot. It drags, eventually, and I don't care for it. Maybe I'd have liked it better if it served a point in the overall narrative- but most of it doesn't.

This is a game with a serious story. And it does take it seriously. ...At the end. It's not like a game like this can't have lighthearted comic relief. But it definitely gives you whiplash with it- considering just how different both narratives are. You can be having a silly fun time and then a jumpscare happens. You'd think it would follow it up. Most of the time- it doesn't. It almost feels like shock value. Just to remind you- hey! This is a serious game! Don't forget! But lets go back to playing again. I'm supposed to just continue on having silly shenanigans when something like that happens? It's very tonally all over the place.

Lets go to the good parts of the game now. The story. I won't spoil it, of course. Just know that it's dark. And very good! Obviously. So when you're going through all the fluff of the game- wondering when the game gets scary again- just know that it does. And it delivers it well. It's just at the very end.

Sunny is probably one of my favorite silent protagonists of all time. You really feel for him and his struggles. And all the other main characters are great too. Even in the "Omori" world. Even when the plot drags. The dialogue- the character interactions- they make even the bad enjoyable.

This game's ending resonated with me. Which is why I rated this game higher- despite all my criticism. I can't recommend it enough- despite all of my criticism. When it comes to an ending- I think all highlight necessary parts of the big picture of the narrative. But if you want a complete and satisfying experience- go for the "Sunny Route". That means always answering the door when it knocks- and you'll know what that means when you play- and always following the truth. Even if it's scary.

I want to keep things vague. But I feel compelled to warn people what this game tackles. So- be warned. It tackles topics such as depression, panic attacks, suicide and suicide ideation, and grief. It also has jumpscares and body horror and other disturbing imagery.

If you can handle all of that, then please, play this game. You won't regret it.

This game makes me sad :(

Joking aside- the gameplay and story of this masterpiece is absolutely amazing. To start with the gameplay- you really feel like an indestructible robot as you're tearing through hoards of enemies and massive titans. The real question is- should you?

Not wanting to give spoilers away though- you'll just have to trust that the story delivers on (mostly) all the questions that arise in your head. If not in Route A- then in Route B. And definitely in Route C- which is where the game's true ending lies.

This game doesn't come without my criticisms though. Though I enjoy how the game is laid out in its Routes-- it can be a bit frustrating to realize that the game's Route B is almost exactly the same as its first route- Route A. It made me wonder if there was anything more to this story after this. Which is a shame- since Route C is, ultimately, where the story actually starts.

I can't recommend it enough. No matter how frustrating the journey to get there is. Make it to Route C. Then decide if the game is for you.

I don't want to give any spoilers. But the true ending of the game is one to remember. It makes you think hard about life- as cheesy as that is.

To get the full experience- the most satisfying ending- it requires you to choose both choices at the end of Route C. Which entails playing that section of the chapter twice.

You won't regret it though.

This game is what Pokemon should strive to mold itself into. But that doesn't mean it doesn't come without its faults. While I think this is probably the best Pokemon game to come out onto the switch at the time of writing this review- that doesn't mean this is a good game by any stretch of the means.

It still suffers from the things that all Pokemon games suffer from. Poor story (though the characters are better than they have been as of late), turn based combat that- while I think is done better in this rendition- is still a type of combat style that is outdated, in my biased opinion. And this game also suffers from a lack of things to do. Especially places to visit and see. Which used to be the point of Pokemon.

I think the gameplay loop of catching wild pokemon in this game is great. But it's not enough. I think the way they handled the boss battles in this game is great! But it's not enough. Everything new they did in this game was great. But it's still the same boring Pokemon we've been subjected to.

If Pokemon wants to survive- they need to make a big change. Not small changes. People want a Pokemon experience they've never experienced before.

This is in the right direction. It just needs some more innovation. Pokemon is an amazing IP with endless potential and possibilities! They can do better, I know it.

This is probably the best Sonic game to come out as of late. Dare I say- the best Sonic game of all time? Or at least- it's way up there.

I love almost everything about this game. From the writing to the gameplay. Everything new they did- they did perfectly. I love the open zone format and I hope- like the boost- it stays for games to come.

Sonic controls well in the open zone. It's fun to explore- even if there's not much to see (which is my only complaint regarding the open zones.) As for more complaints though- while I like how he controls outside of Cyberspace- it's when he's in Cyberspace that things get frustrating. The controls are different- as they should be. But they're done poorly. Which is hard to understand why. In the Day stages for Sonic Unleashed, Sonic controlled perfectly. Surely you shouldn't fix what isn't broken? That's the biggest flaw to this game.

Before we move onto the story- might I add- all those mini games introduced? Perfect. I want Sonic to incorporate mini games again. Sue me!

Lets move onto the story. It had a great set up. But- to be honest- the ending was bad. I won't spoil it- but it definitely could've been done better- not only from how it was written- but what the ending boss ultimately was decided to be. It wasn't a fun gameplay experience either, let me tell you.

No matter how poor the ending was- the story was still fun from start to finish. The way the characters are written- it makes them feel like people. They have nuance. They react to things as a grounded, real person would. It's so refreshing to see. It really endears you to the characters all over again. I can only hope they keep this characterization onto the next game.

My final thoughts can be summed up into- ironically- the form of a question.

Where's the Chao Garden, Sega? This game would've been perfect for it!

Anyway, definitely play this. It's fantastic.

This game is as equally entertaining from a writing standpoint as it is frustrating. I realize I'm probably not the intended audience, and after a certain point you should just accept that "this is where it's going now, I guess!" That that doesn't make it any less baffling, though.

There's not much to say about the gameplay. It's great! Even if some mini games are a bit annoying. This review will mostly consist of biased opinions about the story.

It's a good story. Just a bit unbelievable, is all. As someone who likes grounded stories... well- obviously this isn't a grounded story, genius! And it's not like I'm not willing to go along with it. Perhaps the main offender is the tone of the game. There are many parts in the game that actually do feel grounded in reality. From the way the characters react to things- to even how the murder cases are (somewhat) laid out. And then... things kind of go off the rails a bit. It's entertaining and fun, even some of the more outlandish concepts. But I couldn't help but want more of it. I want it to take itself more seriously. And- it does. Most of the time. Ironically, it takes even the crazy seriously. Which I guess I can commend! It's just not what I personally want.

And- you mean to tell me the mastermind of this game is... them?

No, I won't spoil who it is. But that doesn't mean I like that decision. Even if I like the character.

Anyway, despite all my criticisms, this game is honestly great. Great story (even if it's very anime and "...huh??") and great characters. I love you, Monokuma! You complete absolute weirdo.

On the topic of him though- does Japan really need to act like that to its female characters? Common, guys, they're underage.

Anyway, give this a play. It's actually a really great time.

This review contains spoilers

This review alludes to the endings and its effect they have on the overall story- which can be considered a spoiler even if I don't go in depth. And I won't go in depth, rest assured.

I wanted to like this game. In many ways, I do. And in many ways, I don't.

We'll start with what I didn't like. The look. It just looks bad, I'm sorry. The models are just bad. The animations are sooo bad. Moving on- how about the dialogue? Is it any better? ...It's as if it's written by out of touch adults that think this is youths sound like. It's cringey, it's a bit over the top, but, at the same time- I guess it's a little endearing? Not that I still wouldn't have written and directed it differently though.

Now, the story. It's... fine? Some parts are good, some parts are bad. The plot lost itself at times. And there's only two endings despite this being a game insistent that your choices matter. I don't like that whatever you choose completely rewrites the entirety of the story. What was even the point, then?

...I guess the point is the girls. Chloe and Max. Their story- and what becomes of it. It's not like I'm not invested in them. Of course I am. But there were other characters too. Characters that the game wanted you to be invested in just as much as the girls. It's confusing from a writing standpoint.

Anyway- what did I like? I liked the story (yes, even if I think it wasn't written well) and I like the characters (even if all but two don't matter). I like the sound design. I like the time travel gimmick. I really, really like Chloe and Max. Yes, even if Chloe can be considered "bad reputation" for her borderline neglectful behavior. Not all lesbians and lesbian relationships in media need to be perfect! Take notes.

All in all, I'm torn on whether or not to recommend it. It's good and bad. You'll just have to decide for yourself.

I'm going to be brutally honest. I only liked 1/3rd of the game. And that 1/3rd is Connor's storyline.

Allow me to explain by starting with the storyline I disliked the most. Kara's. This isn't to say I dislike Kara as a character. Quite the opposite, really. I absolutely adore her and the rest of the characters in her story. (Same with Marcus and his characters.) But that doesn't mean that Kara's story isn't the weakest when it comes to the overall narrative and plot. Which is funny since she was marketed as being more integral. I guess they only know how to write a woman in one way- and that way is to be degraded and to be a mom. Isn't there a revolution happening? It's not like they can't write a mother's story. Or they can't tackle the common struggles that women face. I like those stories, believe it or not! It just, personally, doesn't fit in this story. Sorry.

Now onto Marcus. Who, really, is the main character of the story. Or at the very least- the protagonist that drives the most important plot along. He's a great character- I just think his story kind of fell apart at the end. And I also think the themes in his story are a bit insensitive? You can't honestly equate robots to real life racism, can you? Oh, they did. Well, at least his team are interesting characters. Oh, they aren't? Well... damn. All in all, his story tries to tell a compelling story about real life racism, but it falls flat.

Now onto Connor. The only good story in the game. (I'm only half-joking.) But what do I like about Connor? His story has characters in it that are deep. Complex. And it has a great dynamic too. This is a story about character growth. That's the shine right there. When I'm following Marcus and Kara's stories- I'm not following a story about character growth past the initial "I should rebel" moment. They are pretty static characters. If there is growth and change in them- it's not enough. Or not done as well as it is with Connor. With Hank. Marcus is- to be honest- plot focused. Not character focused. I actually prefer character focused stories. Hence why I prefer Connor's. But what about Kara? Hers is character focused! ...Kind of. To be honest- Alice isn't a compelling character. Even if I like her as a character. She's not compelling enough.

There's probably more to say that I'm missing- but this review is long enough. Anyway, everyone has their opinions. And it's not like the other stories can't be enjoyable. I enjoyed them- even if I personally thought the writing was weak or not what I wanted.

I can neither recommend nor not recommend it. It's up to you to decide.

It's Portal!! What's not to love? It has funny and witty dialogue and characters and its puzzles and gameplay can be summed up in one sentence: "think with portals!"

Glados is probably one of my favorite characters of all time. And the ending is an absolute great time. Both in story and, of course, gameplay!

I aspire to write comedy as good as this series does...

An amazing conclusion to an amazing series. Portal 2 takes everything from Portal 1 and expands on it in such a perfect way. The puzzles are more complex, the environments are more rich, the characterization, the story, even the humor, all better than the last. And the ending is just such a flawless conclusion. I wouldn't write or direct it any other way.

I love this game so much.

i named my protag "lil guy" cause he's just a l'il guy :3

Anyway- onto the review! This game. It kills me. I am dying. I am dead. I am Dead the Hedgehog.

What's not to love? The art is gorgeous, the dialogue is hilarious. The characterization is so, so endearing...

...The gameplay sucks- but we can ignore that and turn on the accessibility settings, okay. lets just move past it--

Oh, and the story is pretty good! Surprisingly??? Like- what? I thought this was an April Fool's game, what-

Anyway, give this a go! It's a quick, fun time.


This game is fun. I love this game. Even if it's flawed. Even if I can't understand shit. It's a great time.

Lets start with the bad. It can be a bit repetitive. And the story derails probably midway through. I still don't understand what the hell is going on. I'm torn on the ending. I... like it? Don't like it? It's complicated.

Also- the characters aren't as deep as I'd like. (Most of them, anyway.) But man if they aren't funny and entertaining.

Anyway- onto the good! Gameplay is fun! Art is absolutely beautiful. Sam and John are such a cute duo. I adore them so much.

I understand this game isn't for everyone. Again- the story is rather confusing. And the characters can be rather silly. It's... long. A little too long. Yet- is it weird that I loved every second of it?

Perhaps its the characters. Even the comic relief ones feel like people you might come across in your day to day life. They do all these shenanigans- and then drop some real serious shit out of the blue that make you go- wow. thats some nuance there. I really respect you, random citizen.

I also love that- when the story needs to get serious- it gets serious. (Even if you don't entirely understand what is happening.)

It's a memorable experience, at the very least, regardless of how you view it.

This is a terrible game with a fantastic story.

Let me get through all the glaring flaws (and there are a lot of them) before I get to what I actually like about this game. Lets start with the biggest flaw of all- and why I would never recommend this game to anyone. The combat.

It's an absolute nightmare. Horrible controls. Horribly balanced. The animation is slow- not compelling to watch- and the hit boxes... Oh, the hit boxes. It's as if this game strives to torture me for fun. Even when I'm performing well it feels as if the deck is stacked against me. I can be hit by something so far away from me- and I'm practically dead on the spot. It's unfair- and I hate it.

The controls in general also are just plain atrocious. Please, for the love of God, just watch someone else play. You'll thank yourself a million times over.

This next beat is just a personal take of mine. But I can't stand Jennifer's voice. I'm sorry. But please stop moaning. It makes me very uncomfortable girl please i am begging why is japan like this-

Also. Amanda. (cw/ tw: amanda ;-;) yes she still haunts me to this day, yes i dont want to talk about it ;-;

Alright, lets get to what I actually like. And why I rated the game a 3/5 despite it mostly being undeserving of that rating. The story. The characters. the MUSIC- ...But mostly the story. Though it takes a while to get to the heart of the story- and the road there certainly feels a bit frustrating in the way the game paces and narrates it in vague, fairytale like terms initially- it really is a good story. If utterly bleak.

I loved every minute of the story. And I love all the characters. (Yes, even the ones that utterly hate me as much as I utterly hate them.) The climax of the story... is done so well. And it's so unexpected. It's burned in my brain, that's how memorable it is.

I wish this game was better than it was. I hope- if they ever decide to do a remake- they do this game justice. It desperately needs it.

To finish this review off- I'll give some well needed warnings. This game tackles subjects such as bullying, animal cruelty, sexual assault, and body horror as well as death. If you can stomach all of that, this is a game worth experiencing. ...Just probably on Youtube.

This game is a plague on my switch's photo album. I didn't realize how many pictures I ended up taking until I booted up Animal Crossing afterwards and realized I was out of space!

Which is a long winded way of saying... I absolutely adored this game.

But it's not perfect. The story is generic. The bosses are way too easy... and, well, I guess that's all my complaints! Honestly, none of that even matters. This game is an absolute delight to play. I was grinning ear from ear the entire damn time.

The mechanic of taking control of objects and creatures made running around this game an absolute HOOT! And the visuals were just so adorable. And so pretty. I love practically every environment you traveled to in this game. And I loved dressing up Mario in all his funny little clothes. Like- why don't more games have dress up and photography? Is it just me that wants that?

Anyway, give this game a whirl. It's such a fun time.