isa please kiss me my catboy charm can only last so long isa im dying of gay deficiency isa please the star blorbo is going to post on their twitter account how much of a loser i am isa think of my follower count ISA

The funnest thing this game has ever done is make me cry : '( sniff-

But! This game isn't perfect- and I want to get through the flaws first before I highlight the good.

I'm just going to be honest. I. Hate. How tedious this game is. And- I get it- it was a deliberate choice! One thing this game excels at is really putting you in the mindset of someone trapped in a timeloop. Forced to repeat the same things again. And again. And again. And again. And I can't stand it. Oh, it just makes my blood boil everytime I need to loop back to Dormont or an earlier floor because oh-so-conveniently- the thing I need RIGHT THIS SECOND whilst I'm on floor 3 about to finish the run is juuuust out of reach, sorry! Better loop!


Anyway, like I said- it works thematically. But does it make for an enjoyable gaming experience? Uhhh- no, not really. I stopped being impressed at my ability to relate to Siffrin's pain twenty loops ago. Now... I'm just tired.

...And the developers know its tedious! Why do you think they have a skip option for most dialogue and cutscenes? They KNOW if they made it EVEN MORE TEDIOUS THAN IT ALREADY IS no one would like playing this game. There has to be a balance. You can tell your themes- you can make us relate to Siffrin- without making us dread even continuing. I like the skip function- I wish you could do it more and I wish that- oh stars- you can't accidentally skip dialogue you've never seen before. AAA!! THATS WHAT IM HERE FOR! THE NEW STUFF! DONT PENALIZE ME FOR A MECHANIC YOU ENCOURAGE THE PLAYER TO USE AAAAA HOW DO DATING SIMS KNOW HOW TO MAKE A BETTER SKIP FUNCTION THAN THIS GAME NOOOOO

Alright, so I've had my mental breakdown. Is there anything else bad about the game?


Okay, okay. It's not all bad. In fact- that last part only got to me so much because of how much I just love these characters. I love this story. So much! It's so good! These characters are SO good! It's SUCH a great game and it's frustrating that I have to give a game that I think deserves a perfect 5/5 score a 4/5 score instead because of its frustrating game design. I want to replay this game. I want to discover every little thing I might've missed- to learn more to experience more- I don't want the loop to end- I love it here!

...But I'm not going to replay the game. It's just. Too. Frustrating. And it's been so long. And I think... once is enough for me.

I guess I really do know how Siffrin feels. Despite the frustration- I'm glad I got to experience this with him. It touches so deep for me- as someone who is also going through the motions- just like he is.

If you ever feel like you're stuck in a timeloop in your life- and if you're afraid of change- this game does a really good job of making you feel seen.

I had so much fun, despite everything. I don't want it to end. But all things do. Maybe- that's a good thing.

It's VRChat. You put your headset on and you chat. Pretty self explanatory. There are games you can play inside of VRChat- if that's your fancy. Depending on where you look and the people you play with- it can be a great time.

Lets step away for a moment and talk about some flaws before I highlight the good aspects and even better- what you can do, as the player, to make your time even better. Because that's what VRC is. You make your own fun. At least- mostly. Again- the platform has its faults outside of player control.

To highlight the main flaws: VRC is rather janky. Rather buggy. Optimization is rather poor and it can be better if you have a good PC and good avatar and you go to good worlds-- but it still just chugs sometimes, okay? Loading can be horrendous too sometimes. We get it. Every world is built different. But still. And- I cannot stress this enough- the public lobbies are a nightmare.

If you want to have a good time- do NOT go into public lobbies. If you want to find good people to hang out with- join discord communities. Attend their events. Moderators will weed out the undesirables and you'll find your share of sane, sensible people. You just have to be patient and a little bit outgoing.

So I mentioned earlier that there are ways to make your experience better (discord being one of them) And- I'm not saying to sink all your money in if you're already not happy with the base level of the game. If you put your headset on and don't have fun- don't go out and buy trackers. It's that simple. That being said- if you do see the magic- then- yeah. Go get trackers. (Do your research first!) Cause VRC is a lot more fun the more immersed you get. Don't do Quest Standalone- you're gonna want a link cable and you're gonna wanna plug it into your PC. You'll get access to TONS of PC exclusive worlds and avatars and it's the best way to play VRC.

And- if you get motion sick- turn on the accessibility features. Don't just power through. Be sensible. If you're a newcomer to VR- limit the hours you spend playing in a day. If you play so much you make yourself bedridden- you're not going to want to keep playing. And- if you get motion sick- don't go to worlds where you have to do a lot of walking and turning and definitely not jumping. At least- not right away. Save the fun Among Us time for when you're more experienced moving in VR.

This is another given- but- go to fun worlds? (obv??) You'd be amazed the shit you can find in VR! Concerts, movie theaters-- you can even make coffee and it works just like a real espresso machine you see the baristas at Starbucks use. It's nuts.

Not sure where to look to find the good worlds? There are tons of youtube videos highlighting them. And discord doesn't hurt either. Look and you'll find them.

And please don't play VRChat without a VR headset. It's-- VR is in the name. common man :( its designed for VR immersion in mind bro

What's bad about this game that hasn't been stated already? Absolutely nothing, every other review on this page sums up clearly the issues this project faces.

Allow me to give you a TLDR.

-Incompetent developer
-Janky gameplay
-Poor optimization
-Bad animations
-Boring. It's just so goddamn boring.
-Incomplete and it's going to stay that way. This man is never going to complete anything ever in his whole life.

I feel sorry for all of the unpaid volunteers that tried to help this game get finished and that poor outside developer that quite literally REWROTE the spaghetti code this game had only for the main developer to kick him to the curb because he didn't understand it. just get good bruh or hand it over to someone else you're just not good enough swallow your pride your fans are more important than your ego you asshole

also are we all really that surprised the developer has accusations against him this game literally has a panty shot mechanic for its HIGHSCHOOL characters and two of the rivals for the teen boy are teachers WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!

anyway the concept for this game is good if anyone can do it better please do it better and dont set it in highschool leave teenage girls alone bro

This is probably the only MMO I've played in my years that has managed to keep me coming back from time to time and hold my attention enough to keep me in its charm.

But it really is a bad game. Doesn't mean I don't love it any less- but to say whether or not I'd recommend this game to anyone... I probably wouldn't. The graphics are bad. The controls are janky- optimization is horrendous. It plays like an old MMO and no amount of quality of life improvements will ever change that. While it's less grindy than it used to be that doesn't mean it doesn't come with its fair share of grind. Quests are a slog and boring to do. The only charm out of them is if the characters endear you enough that you want to listen to them and while they do endear me I can't say they would for anyone else. Most NPCs are one dimensional save the important ones tied to the Generational quests and overall narrative and even then they can be rather tropey. (Still love them though and that probably definitely is pure nostalgia talking.)

Who would I recommend this to then? Probably... someone that has a lot of time on their hands to sink into an MMO. Someone who doesn't mind whale-ing and being pay to win. (You can play free to play but you'll be at a disadvantage. Stupid, I know.) And someone who really likes lore and world building and design. (Because, really, the world is where this MMO shines. Unlike most MMOs where the setting is generic fantasy- this game takes a lot of inspiration from Celtic mythology and it makes for a refreshing setting. The story also has its charm if you bother to pay attention to it.)

This game also has something that most MMOs at least from what I've seen don't have and that's slice of life elements. It's... honestly really cozy! I love just running around collecting wheat in a field with my sickle and standing by a campfire to cook some food. You can even play music in this game. (Yes, I'm looking at you all of you Megalovania freaks. You can play that in this game to your heart's content)

All in all this game is a breath of fresh air in the oversaturated market that's MMOs and it definitely stands as something that is different and unique. But whether or not you'll like it may depend on what you're hoping to get out of it. As someone who enjoys the world, the story, the cozy vibes- it's great! But the way it plays can be a bit frustrating.

With the new Mabinogi Mobile coming out I can only hope more people can fall in love with this world with that new fresh coat of paint on its shoulders. It'll be mobile gamey I'm sure- and mobile games aren't for everyone- but I think it'll have its charm and place in the Mabinogi IP and it'll be good for the franchise as a whole. I can't wait.

I love this game. But it kinda sucks. I think my favorite parts of the game were spent away from Pikachu's television.

I'm sorry, but, why would I want to play a game where I literally just watch a yellow rat watch TV all day? Baffling concept. Yet I ate that shit up as a kid, as one does!

To be fair though, it is as advertised. i do be watching pokemon channels 👀

idk I don't think I liked the TV even as a kid, tbh. I mostly just played to have fun with Pikachu. he my best buddy fr 🥺

Interesting concept, but I feel like it was always doomed to fail. It's hard to work with a concept like that, especially in a game. They do the best they can but at the end of the day, it's just boring.

that being said GIVE US MORE SLICE OF LIFE PIKACHU GAMES PLEASE but make them better ok thx :)

Please don't play this game on the Wii, please, i am begging, i will pay you, i will pay you not to play this on the wii wait come back please-

I don't get why people say this game is bad. (did they play the wii version? lol) Like- honestly- the werehog isn't that bad, guys, okay, come on, he's just a little tired, okay, he just needs a good night sleep, look at him, he's so tired he's been up all night--

Lets start with the flaws of the game. And it has to do with the werehog. Okay- not ALL of the werehog, like I said, I think he's good. But- it was something new and risky and not the tried and true format. Of course it's going to have some flaws.

The levels are too long. Sometimes agonizingly so. And there's too much combat. And- I mean- I like the combat? There's just not a lot of enemy variety. Also, goddamn, the music- please, for the love of god, someone turn it off or at least give some variety for that too, oh my god-

Also, I don't like the humans. I don't know- I've never liked humans in Sonic. Eggman is the only valid one. Everyone else can go home now, goodbye-

The pacing was strange too. And we'll get more into that with the story. Which is a pro of the game- even if it's not perfect. So lets move onto the good shit.

The day time stages are perfect. Chefs kiss. The best 3D has ever played. Bring it back, Sega. And lets also talk about the world design. Absolutely LOVE the world, especially the hub worlds. It's something that isn't present in the Wii version, and it definitely hurts the game for it. The hub worlds add a level of immersion that you need for this game. This is a game that glamorizes travel, after all! And FOOD. Love the food. And a certain someone comments on the food everytime he eats it.

Honestly, I thought I wasn't going to like Chip. I don't typically like sidekick-y characters like him. (I don't know- maybe it's just his English voice, it's just grating to the ears a little--) Anyway, Chip is great. He gets better, trust me. And I really miss him.

Sonic and Chip's friendship through the game are the highlight for me. This story feels so short- and I think that's the worst part of it. There's these little animated shorts that are extras you can find that aren't actual cutscenes in the game. Heck- they also made a whole Halloween inspired short with them too. And it adds a feeling of... longevity. It makes the journey feel longer than it actual was, in the game. In fact- I'm certain the writers intended to imply that Sonic and Chip traveled together for a lot longer than they actually did. The pacing of the game just would've been better if we actually got to see that. Those little moments. Just pad it on for a little bit more. It'll make it better, I promise.

In a way, I feel like the developers were trying to convey that with the werehog. Take in the sights. Take things slow. Have a nice time with it. If the werehog was removed from this game, it would lose something, I think. You need those slow times. It can't all just be go, go, go.

(...Just not that slow. Really, Sega, 30 minute levels? Calm down-)

Anyway, this is one of the better Sonic games. Definitely give it a try, you might be pleasantly surprised.

This game makes me ashamed to be a Sonic fan- and it's already embarrassing enough to be one of those.

The only reason this garbage fire is 2 stars instead of 1 is because I really love the character customization and, honestly, they should bring it back. Sue me.

I play 3D sonic to play sonic in 3D. I've never liked the 2D side-scrolling parts- not in past games, and especially not in this game. Why is classic sonic even back?! You're banking purely on nostalgia and dress up games and it makes you look unconfident, Sega. If you worry people aren't going to buy it without those two things- make the base game better first before you decide to pad it. I'd rather play just sonic than play 2d boy and original the character (even if I love character customization.)

I'm sorry, but the controls suck. The level design is so incredibly boring. The story is literally written as if they wanted to remind us how cool Sonic from the past was. Aw, man, look! Classic Sonic! Whoa, Metal Sonic-- Chaos! Whoa!! Look at our new villain, Infinite! Aw, remember how cool Mephiles was? How cool Shadow is? Wow, edgy villain! So cool!

He is the most boring villain I have ever seen. And he had so much potential. Like- does Sega even care? Remember the villain from Sonic and the Black Knight? What happened to villains like that?

Anyway, my wolf daughter is very cute and I love her. She's the only joy I've gotten out of this miserable game. If you were going to back off of nostalgia, Sega, at least bring back the Chao Garden. I want to care for my chao as a silly little wolf, please

There need to be more video games about Scandinavian folklore. I swear, I'm fascinated by it every time.

This is a great game. Now- it's not perfect. The controls can be janky. Sometimes it's unclear where you're supposed to go and what you're even supposed to do. And I don't like die-a-lot-athons until you memorize the patterns the game is telling you to memorize. I'd rather a health bar. Yes, even if it's unrealistic.

And this is just a personal gripe. But I feel like the game was too short. I don't know, I just wanted more. I guess that means I really liked it!

And it's such a delight and thrill. The world is so interesting- and the atmosphere is perfect. You want to see the protagonist succeed- and you really want to protect him, in a way. This world is terrifying. I loved every minute of it. And the story concludes perfectly. It tied up almost every loose end.

It's almost perfect. But it's missing something too, I feel like. I can't quite put my finger on it. I just feel like it could've expanded what we were given- just a little more. Not necessarily in gameplay- honestly, they could do to rework it. But the story...

I don't know. I guess I just wanted more of it. To get to know the characters even more. I just loved the world that much.

I don't know. Maybe this genre isn't for me. But I feel like indie horror can be really good sometimes, if it's made right.

I just didn't think this was made right.

The scares are cheap. The concept is interesting- but the execution is done poorly. And when it comes to the story- what there was just didn't impress me. The characters just aren't interesting.

The fan songs on Youtube are great though. Definitely give those a listen.

At any rate, I hope the developer can improve for the future.


Man, you really feel powerful in this game as you're belting out your verses. I swear, everytime Grace's eyes glow bright and the walls close in I can feel that adrenaline of mine pumping as I'm ready to perform the lit-est diss track to ever come out of a white girl's mouth.

Alright, that doesn't mean that this game is perfect though. Lets go through the flaws before we tackle the pros.

The songs aren't that good. Okay- they're fine? They're like- doable? But- really- sometimes you can make for some awkward rhythm as you're picking your choices. And- I get it. The choose your own adventure format- especially as a song- it's tough to write and sing for. Songwriting is just hard, man. This was a difficult game to make, I can tell.

(Still could've been better though.)

Honestly though- that's my only complaint. Everything else is just great. Yeah- the gameplay isn't anything remarkable. But the point is the choose your adventure. I don't expect Grace to whip around town in a motorcycle and have a grand theft auto style car chase. (Though that would be very sexy of her, we can all admit.)

The mystery is satisfying enough in my opinion and, to be honest, it's almost less about the mystery and more about helping this dysfunctional family through the power of song! (...And therapy.)

I love these characters. Each and every one. And I think I love Grace the most. You just really root for her- and want to see her succeed. And that makes a great protagonist to play aside.

Also- this game has, like, so much replay value. It's awesome. Give it a try, it's a fun- and occasionally really funny- time.

I love Klonoa, but... this game... it's a bad game.

Lets go through the bad before we get to the good.

The gameplay- the platforming- it's just awful. And I think that's because of three things. The level design being bad- the controls being bad- and then you come to realize this is an unfortunate faithful remake to the old game. As such- the imperfections of the old game seep into this one. I'm sorry- but this needed more of a modern touch. They needed to fix the janky controls. They needed to improve the level design. Faithful be damned.

I mean- listen to the voices. Especially in the first game. That's just unacceptable, I'm sorry. If the audio is that distorted- don't use it? It's common sense. Just record new voices with the old cast if you can get them- or an entirely new cast. I know it won't be the same, I know. But it's better than this.

Lets go to what I liked about the game. Obviously- its Klonoa! His friends. The world. Its such a charming little world- with even a unique language, too! I want more Klonoa. I hope they can create more, and improve the flaws.

This series has potential.

Touch Detective 2 (and yes, this is the 2nd game despite the odd choice of name) takes everything great about the first game and expands upon it. More characters, funner mysteries, new places. And- even a new, recurring villain?! What a shock!

The addition of the villain adds a sense of a goal to the game that wasn't there before. Sure, the goal is to solve your cases. But you're mostly just... living and getting by. Doing your job because- what else is there to do? To have a culprit you want to see bought to justice- to learn more about- (hey, doesn't he sound a little familiar? haven't we seen him before?)- it gives more drive to your actions. Oh, shit, there's- like- a serialized story here! It's not just bad guy of the week anymore? Whoa!

It's just great.

But it's not perfect.

The ending feels incomplete. It's like they thought they were going to get a sequel. And they did. It just wasn't localized in the west.

This series deserves more than what it's been handed. I only think it would've kept improving and getting better.

I hope to see it get the love it deserves.

This game is still a great, fun time. Even if I feel like I'm watching a show that was cancelled in the middle of its season. I don't consider it a waste to play. At the end of the day- this is a lighthearted game with a lighthearted story. Think- The Office getting cancelled, versus something like Breaking Bad. It's sad- but also- you'll live. And you had fun the entire way anyway, didn't you?

I wish this series was as popular in the west as it is in the east. Hell- I wish it was even more popular- as popular as Layton- or even Ace Attorney. I think it deserves it. I think it has the potential.

This is a silly game though. Not meant to be taken seriously. There are no high stakes. No crazy diabolical evils afoot. You're just a little girl solving odd mysteries around her little town with her quirky neighbors. It's just pure, unbridled fun.

The characters are a joy to interact with. You can't help but love each and every one. Even the annoying ones. There's just something so funny and joyful about getting to know just who you're dealing with here- especially in a detective setting. The mysteries are absurd- and yet in the absurdity- you learn to make sense of it. You understand the logic here as if it just makes perfect sense to you.

There's something that sets Touch Detective apart from other detective games. At the very least- they don't go as in depth as they do in this game. And that's experiencing Mackenzie's thoughts the entire step of the way. Where most detective games point out what they're thinking in a solve-the-case sense- this game- while still doing that- also takes it in an almost leisurely sort of way. You are playing a little girl, after all. Is it really so surprising that she's getting distracted by cute animals or interesting knicknacks? It just adds a layer of slice of life to the game that already was kind of there. This actually feels more like a slice of life than a hardboiled detective game. Yet it works so well.

You come to love the world and only want to live more in it. Thankfully- that's what its sequel is for! And it's even better than the first.

This is probably the best Harvest Moon game that has ever been made. Not only is there so much to do-- almost overwhelmingly so-- but the characters of this game are some of the best the series has offered in years. With almost as much dialogue as Rune Factory 4, I, well, felt like I was playing RF4 while I played this! Not to say there is an amazing story- it's the same story as ever. Just a person taking up a farm and living on the land. There's just something nice about communicating with NPCs that feel more like actual people than cardboard cutouts.

I love this game so much. And I wish they would make the writing that was in this the standard. I understand farming sims are farming first and characters second- maybe even third or fourth. I just feel like it doesn't have to be like that. It shouldn't be. You play cozy games to relax. (Though to be honest- with so much to do in this game- it hardly felt like I was relaxing as much as I was hustling the crap out of my life LOL)

But- point being- it's not just about you and your farm. There are other people in town. Christ- one of the major selling points of the farming sim genre is getting married and having kids. Don't you want your spouse to be interesting to get to know- to talk to?

If you love character driven narratives- play this game. You won't regret it. And if you just play for the farming and the challenge- still get this. It's the best of both worlds. That's what makes this game so great, there's something here for everyone.

Do you want combat with your farming sim? Oh- no? What about a fantastic story and complex characters? Yes? Then what are you waiting for?! Go play this game! You'll live with the combat, I swear you will, just play on easy mode, it's fine, everything's fine--

Okay, the combat is actually a lot of fun. I'm just not an rpg kind of person. But- you know what I am? A farmer! (A virtual one, anyway.) And after a certain point- you kinda want some combat to break up the monotony, y'know? It's actually... really fun! And you really feel a sense of accomplishment like you would upgrading your farm.

But this review isn't going to focus on the combat. Not even the farming. No. Where Rune Factory 4 shines- is its characters. Its story.

This is probably the best farming sim you're ever going to play. And it's because of the characters. The sheer amount of dialogue and events the developers put into this game far exceeds what you'd typically see in a farming sim. Quite literally, years would pass in the game and I always ran into some new event or a new dialogue I'd never seen before. The townspeople of RF4S feel more like actual people rather than NPCs.

I wish more farming sims put as much care and love into their characters as much as RF4S has. This game has spoiled me rotten and I can't help but feel disappointed a little when I'm playing a farming sim that isn't this one.

It's well loved for a reason. If you've never played a Rune Factory game before- this is the one to start with. The best of the best the franchise has offered.