This game makes me sad :(

Joking aside- the gameplay and story of this masterpiece is absolutely amazing. To start with the gameplay- you really feel like an indestructible robot as you're tearing through hoards of enemies and massive titans. The real question is- should you?

Not wanting to give spoilers away though- you'll just have to trust that the story delivers on (mostly) all the questions that arise in your head. If not in Route A- then in Route B. And definitely in Route C- which is where the game's true ending lies.

This game doesn't come without my criticisms though. Though I enjoy how the game is laid out in its Routes-- it can be a bit frustrating to realize that the game's Route B is almost exactly the same as its first route- Route A. It made me wonder if there was anything more to this story after this. Which is a shame- since Route C is, ultimately, where the story actually starts.

I can't recommend it enough. No matter how frustrating the journey to get there is. Make it to Route C. Then decide if the game is for you.

I don't want to give any spoilers. But the true ending of the game is one to remember. It makes you think hard about life- as cheesy as that is.

To get the full experience- the most satisfying ending- it requires you to choose both choices at the end of Route C. Which entails playing that section of the chapter twice.

You won't regret it though.


This is a bad good game.

I love this game, don't get me wrong. I love it's story, it's characters, but when I think about my time spent playing this game- the only time I spent really enjoying it was the beginning- when everything was new- and at the end- when everything came together.

My biggest criticism? The "Omori" world. Or whatever is the canon name for it. I understand it's necessity in the story. It gives us an understanding of the characters back when they were young- and the state of our protagonist's mind in the present. It's a necessity. I just wish it was done better. Maybe even- done shorter.

A lot of the game is spent in a world that isn't real. Nearly all of the story beats in it- not relevant to the plot. It drags, eventually, and I don't care for it. Maybe I'd have liked it better if it served a point in the overall narrative- but most of it doesn't.

This is a game with a serious story. And it does take it seriously. ...At the end. It's not like a game like this can't have lighthearted comic relief. But it definitely gives you whiplash with it- considering just how different both narratives are. You can be having a silly fun time and then a jumpscare happens. You'd think it would follow it up. Most of the time- it doesn't. It almost feels like shock value. Just to remind you- hey! This is a serious game! Don't forget! But lets go back to playing again. I'm supposed to just continue on having silly shenanigans when something like that happens? It's very tonally all over the place.

Lets go to the good parts of the game now. The story. I won't spoil it, of course. Just know that it's dark. And very good! Obviously. So when you're going through all the fluff of the game- wondering when the game gets scary again- just know that it does. And it delivers it well. It's just at the very end.

Sunny is probably one of my favorite silent protagonists of all time. You really feel for him and his struggles. And all the other main characters are great too. Even in the "Omori" world. Even when the plot drags. The dialogue- the character interactions- they make even the bad enjoyable.

This game's ending resonated with me. Which is why I rated this game higher- despite all my criticism. I can't recommend it enough- despite all of my criticism. When it comes to an ending- I think all highlight necessary parts of the big picture of the narrative. But if you want a complete and satisfying experience- go for the "Sunny Route". That means always answering the door when it knocks- and you'll know what that means when you play- and always following the truth. Even if it's scary.

I want to keep things vague. But I feel compelled to warn people what this game tackles. So- be warned. It tackles topics such as depression, panic attacks, suicide and suicide ideation, and grief. It also has jumpscares and body horror and other disturbing imagery.

If you can handle all of that, then please, play this game. You won't regret it.

This game is just amazing. What else is there to say?

I suppose I should give my criticisms first. When it comes to the story- it's pretty generic. And the characters aren't as deep as I'd like. Nevertheless- it's still an enjoyable experience. And it's not hard to fall in love with the characters all the same. Zelda, of course, being the one you empathize with the most. Even Link- as a silent protagonist- still feels like a person. Their relationship is the highlight, in my humble opinion. I just only wish there was more.

Moving onto gameplay- this game probably is the best open world game I've played. Not only is it fun to actually explore- it's a bit addicting. Every time I wanted to stop- I'd see another cool thing in the horizon, and I just couldn't help myself.

This next bullet point is my own bias. The combat is good. But not what I like the most. It's grounded. Slow. Difficult. Rewarding, though. But as someone who plays hack and slash- think something like Nier Automata- I had to unlearn a lot of my methods. Link isn't invincible. He's actually quite vulnerable. More often than not- you have to pick your battles. At least at the start, anyway. It made the experience a bit frustrating- but again- I can see why it's built the way that it is.

Going back to praise- I guess I should just emphasize the exploration again. It's just. SO fun to explore. And that's- in my opinion- the heart of the game. The exploration. If you don't like to explore- you probably won't like this game.

This review is a little all over the place. Ironically, I want to close this review off with another bias. I. love. cooking. In fact- I just love to relax, in games. This game- ironically- even with all the combat- is very, very relaxing to play. So to anyone who loves that sort of vibe- (and who also loves cooking- can't stress this enough)- check this out. You might like it. Or not.

But I liked it. So- hurray!

One of the best games I've ever played. Considering I'm not a fan of the RPG format- it's amazing how much this game made me enjoy its mechanics. No encounter feels overdone or annoying to complete- even when I encountered the same monster twice. And the flavor text accompanied as you're "fighting" made the act of fighting to be actually fun. I've never played a bullet hell before- and now that I have- I almost wish most RPGs took that format of gameplay.

Moving away from mechanics and focusing on story- the story is really the heart of the game. It's unique- in both world building and actual story beats. Plot twists feel actually thought out. Though the "meta" trope is a bit overdone in our year 2023- it didn't feel overdone at the time of playing this back when it first released. I reckon it probably wouldn't feel overdone even by today's standards. Perhaps only because it's just plain done really well.

The characters are endearing. Yes- even the annoying ones. And the humor doesn't overstay it's welcome. When this game is serious- it's serious. The story is also easy to understand- despite it's outlandish concept. When it comes to the story- the best way to play this game is the most obvious. Don't kill anyone. If you accomplish that- you'll get the true ending- which is the most satisfying ending.

I can't recommend this enough.