Ugly fucking port the only reason I bothered playing this was that it was on ps plus and I was thinking of getting the plat. Completely ruined the artstyle and soul of the original, dont bother playing this even for the hahas.

Game is really good up until the halfway point around the end of san fierro, then it just gets kinda boring, by the end of las venturas I was just waiting for the story to end. Stil goated tho and crazy that they fit this map into a ps2 game

The best god of war game no questions asked. They improved on everything the series had before, even the sex minigame in this one was good (doesnt beat Ghost of sparta tho).

im gonna be honest, I didnt really enjoy this overall as much as chains of olympus. However, the last hour of the game really helped the experience they cooked with the final boss. Cant wait to see kratos finally "make the gods pay" in 3.

For a psp game its pretty good, gameplay at the start is kinda boring but considering this game is 4ish hours long its not too long before you get to the fun combat. Story wise this was intersting, and most importantly I finally know why tf theres an "abandon your daughter" QTE.

Its pretty fun but it never really does anything all that crazy

awesome game, whyd they make the nymphs like that tho ☠

Thank god they learned their lesson to never use 5 party members again 🙏

gameplay is fun, NES rpg story, job system is cool but 90% of the jobs I never used, and has like 1 random difficulty spike. play this but not as your first FF


Fun but nothing too crazy. Its a decent zelda clone but it doesnt really do anything too unique minus the main gimmick of finding manual pages.

this game is genuinely goated idc, the flaws unironically add to its charm ❤🙏

fun for the first 10ish hours then when youve explored most of the world it gets extremely boring. tried to play this shit 2 times and I was more dissapointed the 2nd time cause I made it further.

Very very fun to platform and just do shit with the gravity physics. the combat sucks ass tho

I liked the story and atmosphere, but the game shows its age in some of gameplay.