Fun but nothing too crazy. Its not really a direct zelda clone but it doesnt really do anything too unique minus the main gimmick of finding manual pages.

this game is genuinely goated idc, the flaws unironically add to its charm ❤🙏

fun for the first 10ish hours then when youve explored most of the world it gets extremely boring. tried to play this shit 2 times and I was more dissapointed the 2nd time cause I made it further.

Very very fun to platform and just do shit with the gravity physics. the combat sucks ass tho

I liked the story and atmosphere, but the game shows its age in some of gameplay.

this game drags out at times imo but overall it aged pretty well. PC port needed asap

Genuinely the most fun I have ever had playing an open-world game. I was NOT expecting the game to go this hard its 100% worth playing

got the plat for this and it genuinly improved my experience with the game. better than BFBB for sure and a worthwhile game to get when its on sale. just classic 3d platforming fun

really solid game, but I am not a dungeon crawler guy so most of the dungeons felt boring to explore accompanied with sometimes goofy encounter rates. game aint that hard too. the rest of the game is honestly really good, ost is solid, atmosphere is great, but gameplay has some really meh moments.

Silent peak 2
Peak hill 2
Silent hill peak

pure ps2 fun, but enhanced. story is goofy and the ending is very clearly meant to say "yo were making another game btw what if furons went to other country". overall pretty fun but its nothing remarkable, doesnt overstay its welcome.

Really cool concept, but I am NOT smart enough to play this game istg I get stuck by the 3rd level of each world past world 2

best game to play during calc class 🙏

(Played this to prepare for reload) Amazing game, amazing story. While it has its flaws such as the pacing in the first 10ish hours, after it picks up it really gets going. Social links are also very meh with exceptions like the Sun and Devil, I didnt care to do like half of them except to get the persona abilities. Took off half a star because nozomi is in this game.

Yes, it IS that good. Im not gonna say anyhting specific about the game cause it has to be experienced blind for the best outcome. It's an archeology game is the best way to describe it but its not as boring as it sounds. Just go play it, its 10000% worth it