Lovely condensed puzzler. Has a couple of really cool tricks up its sleeve.

Didn't really capture me, mining was kinda fun but that was it. The battlepass/progression stuff was a huge turnoff, Im pretty sure its not like paid or anything but also it really feels like a paper carrot on a stick...

The aesthetics of the castle area are just incredible. The rest of the game is at odds with itself - gaining speed and bhopping is fun, but then you have to turn around to actually attack enemies. Losing your projectile after taking a hit just sucks... Melee combat is hampered by your miniscule range - you pretty much have to be touching an enemy to hit it with your sword.

I'm slogging through this one with some friends so my opinion may change.
But so far:
Slop story with brutally bland writing. Enemies are numerous and tanky, or rather, my hits feel completely meaningless against even the basic fodder zombies. Which could be cool, if combat was disincentivized, yet it seems to be core to the experience (an entire combat skill tree, forced combat sequences, etc). Parkour is kinda cool but mostly boils down to being able to ledge grab...
An inventory of boring crap feeding into a patchy crafting system (why does everything take a few seconds to make!?), plus poorly made progression systems (level up! skill trees! except skills are locked behind arbitrary level walls, so like, your actual build variety is nil). And the world is maybe the most forgettable I've ever encountered.

Also the keyboard keybinds are utterly terrible


The new block platforms opens up some unique level ideas in exchange for my laptop absolutely chugging it.

I've given it enough of a go. 50+ hours of walking between boring quest after boring quest. I try to pay attention to the story but drab writing makes it so easy to tune out.
Supposedly the community is great? But most people I saw were just idling in the hub, not a single person chatting. No real reason, at this level, to actually play with others - dungeons drop you in with 3 others, but once that's done you part ways.
Tab target combat was serviceable but has no weight. Which is pretty standard for such a system but still I'm not a fan. No sense of build freedom, pick a class and that's it. Equipment is all slight number increments of meaningless stats.
Idk, I might be playing it wrong. But after 50 hours I seriously found nothing of value :(

Definitely a winning formula. I like the crunchy art style.

Incredibly well designed. Each island a puzzle, the ocean a natural boundary. Puzzles existing in a shared world lends itself nicely to the more difficult/hidden puzzles. So many interesting interactions and mechanics, all taught effortlessly. Pretty aesthetics, soundscapes, and calming atmosphere.

Very mediocre. The cover art reminds me of some of those I Spy dioramas, but in game it mostly looks pretty bland (outside of a few inspired pieces here and there). It uses point-and-click style item puzzles, which luckily are never moon logic-y, but they were pretty boring. Combat is sluggish and just... not great. Voice acting was kind funny (mah frurnd) but the characters are nothing.

A beautifully genuine piece. Somehow looks vile AND pretty.

Great atmosphere, surprisingly thoughtful.

The badges themselves are a nice addition to the home menu but like. Why is it a gacha. And it was expensive too???

I like how it looks and sounds, but it gets a bit repetitive.

A very fun little incremental in the style of first person dungeon crawlers. The sprite work is excellent.

Really fun core but unfortunately a victim of "1000 Year Early Access"