With the time and attention given to every detail of this game, from the controls, to the boss encounters, to the art and sound design, it's very easy to see why Hollow Knight is a lot of people's favorite modern metroidvanias. Would highly recommend!

Not quite a perfect game, but the ambiance and the story are a wonderful and fun continuation of the world set up in both Pony Island and The Hex. I agree with a lot of people that the first act of the game is far more polished than the rest of it, but at the same time, outside of act one, the rest of the game was meant to tell a story more than involve deckbuilding to the same extent as that first act. It doesn't surprise me that Daniel Mullins eventually released Kaycee's Mod, which allows for endless replayability of act one with new challenges & lore for the people who are in to that. Highly recommend.

By god. I love ranching slimes.

More mechanics than the first time. More slimes than the first game. A lot of Beatrix's relationships from the first game carrying over into the second makes my chest feel a little funny. It's nice when I feel like my actions really mattered in the sequel, even though the sequel is just assuming that I did everything available in the original game.

A nice & fun little farming simulation game that I really enjoy. Obviously is an indie cornerstone that everyone enjoys. Every time there's a major update I find myself sinking anywhere from a hundred to a hundred and fifty extra hours into the game.

A good and solid game that I have poured an unknowable amount of hours into. That said, I see that the game is listed as being from 2011 and that has made me feel very, very old.

This game is sooooo good and so beautiful and the atmosphere is so unique. I don't think there's anything else quite like it.


A cult classic for a reason. I've thought about Ib since I was a teenager, and I have gender envy for Garry.

A game that takes obvious inspiration from Mega Man, but man, it sure does it right! This game is an indie darling for a reason, and it's always a blast to play. The world is so fun and I just boot it up and play it from start to finish for fun, sometimes.

All of the different campaigns are also fun, especially since each playable character does play entirely differently. I really enjoy playing as Specter Knight, but that might just be my Mega Man X bias.

The first time I played this game I completely did not realize that there was a teeth and dentist motif throughout the entire game. This is insanely funny in retrospect. Really good game, really creative puzzle game that only lets you give things to people and either nod or shake your head.

I did have to play this game with the Japanese voice acting because it was so distracting to me that I knew Mega Man's voice actor the most from playing Young Xehanort in Kingdom Hearts. However, that's a me problem & the performance was excellent!

But, more importantly, a Mega Man game with voice acting that's good? That's crazy! I'm so used to the exact opposite. I love all of the Robot Masters, I think that the gimmicks of this game were fun, and my only complaint is that the stages themselves are pretty easy.

This game combines a roguelite dungeon crawler game with a base-simulator game and has very pleasing aesthetics. And I really do love Cult of the Lamb, and I enjoy the story, but in terms of actual mechanics, both sides feel... a little bit half baked? They're still quite good, but I've just played other base-builder/management games that are more in-depth & I've played other roguelite games that have tighter controls that feel better than CotL's. It's definitely really fun to play though, I've gotten it for both Switch and PC because I enjoy playing it on the go and I've definitely put more than a hundred hours into the game.

Really excellent visual novel game that I think is both fun and utilized the Sonic cast really well. It was fun! What more can I ask for a free game for April Fool's?