changed the trajectory of my life actually

give me story mode and then you can be famous

for Skarlet and Mileena and Sonya and Sheeva and Sindel only

Maybe the story mode wasn't great but this game kept me GOING

I don't care how long and grueling and slow this was I would inject the nostalgia into my veins

If only it was actually strategic

I feel like Ry Ry would watch an anime through a video game story like this

I will forever consider this game one of my favorites ever, I consider it my first heartbreak

Wish these types of games had more longevity other than nostalgia, such a fun group play though

This game was fun but a waste of money with no playerbase, a shitty continuation and just overall repetitive nature

this is and was and will continue to be my life

Experiencing this as it released and immediately joining a tumblr fanfiction writing blog group based on its characters will forever be a core memory