I was promised GTA but Lego, instead I just got a bad game.

If it wasn't for pokémon brilliant diamond / shining Pearl, this would be the worst Pokemon game.

A decent fighter game. Bayonetta is a very fun character.

This game plays very very similarly to its GameCube original. By the time I was done with like a week in this game I honestly felt like I beat the game. There really isn't that much to do, at least in my experience

Overall a fun play, but there were some points that annoyed me. Controlling three captains is also very difficult at times.

Probably my favorite Zelda game that I've played. Sometimes runs like garbage, but what games on the switch don't do that every now and then?

I remember when there weren't beds in this game.

I played nearly 500 hours of this as I was growing up on Steam. Probably one of my favorite games to come back to.

This game is basically a phone app that was translated to other systems. Very annoying that they basically want you to come back every day. I bet this plays a lot better on a phone.

I want all the penguins. Plz n thank.

2 is better. But this is an awesome kitty game.


You can make your cultists to eat poop. What more can I say!

I played this a ton when it first came out. I haven't been able to play any of the DLCs, but I've heard great things about them.

Still loved when I discovered that you can feed people amethyst and they'll actually eat it for whatever reason.