Nothing really like it in terms of mood and atmosphere.

So lame it's insane. Has none of the spectacle or charisma that carries the later games, but all the hallmarks that hold them back.

This is what an Ace Attorney shaped happy meal looks like.

So many wild ideas. They didn't work out but damn if it isn't a beautiful mess.

Lots of interesting stylistic choices and meta commentary. I wish the game was enjoyable to play in any level.

It feels like it was crafted by an AI. A game with all it's edges smoothed out until an amorphous blob is left.


Just lame. Everything here has been done better elsewhere. Not even hot people can make this enjoyable.

Brilliant style with flaccid gameplay.

Fascinating in that it loses it's identity by trying to be a pastiche.

A game with anti-capitalist rhetoric that is such a "product" in the business speak sense. A game made from the pain of those who made it.

I am judging the game world only. The gameplay and story were very unmemorable.

There are many parts I enjoy of Night City, but they are made lesser by existing in a world that feels so hollow.

It is a shame to all those that gave their passion and voices to it, only for them to be drowned out by a game too toothless to do them justice.

A loving portrait of Tokyo that contains lovely nooks and crannies and brilliant imagery.

Great concept bad execution


Great art that is attached to flaccid gameplay and haphazard level design