A Look at 2023

My own awards for my year in gaming.

Best in Changing My Opinion
I've never been one to preach on the mountains about how great Super Mario 64 is, hell I flat out don't even really like it. SM64 Plus makes the game actually playable and enjoyable with all it's modern amenities and without it I may have never found joy in this game. An absolute must play.
Best Airport Distraction
When I needed it most, this mindless walking-nearly-aimlessly-except-for-chests simulator kept me sane and helped time fly by. With all the updates that I haven't been able to check out yet I'm looking forward to revisiting this. It's hard to say what hasn't been said already about this, it's damn fun.
Best Survivor-like
This game is flat out better than Vampire Survivors and I don't know why and I don't care to explore that opinion further, I just know it to be true.
Best Crime Simulator
Such a fun way to kill an evening with a colorful cast of assholes. Robbing a bank is going to be a blast.
Best Realization
Oh man, they were right. Ocarina of Time is good. This game felt like the journey I knew it was when I was a kid. Sure, Hyrule Field isn't as huge as it seemed like but mixed with nostalgia and curiosity I feel like I finally played this at the right time and it hit every chord I needed it to. I thought about this game for months after finishing it.
Best Game I Didn't Like That Much But Kept Playing Anyway?
It's really not even that fun and gets repetitive kind of fast, but the moments that were awesome kept me coming back for more. At one point I had a solid 15 minute police chase going on that was adrenaline pumping and I've been looking for that feeling ever since when I continued playing it. Never found it, but at least I finished it.
Best Game I Was In Denial Regarding Difficulty
I did everything I could to not tell myself this game was difficult, but fuck it, it is. Skill issue. Good game.
Best Platformer Not From User Generated Content
I love a tight, well controlled platformer and this delivers on every front.
Best Visual Novel
Been off on VNs for some time, but this one really pulled me in. It gave me Spirit Hunter vibes and that's all I needed to keep me wrapped up. Lots of meta and weird time travel stuff, too, it's a trip. Worth playing!
Best Job I Wish I Had Simulator
So many cute pictures! So many fun towns people! CUTE! This game scratches a very specific, cozy itch that not many games I've played do.
Best Shit My Pants Game
My first (and admittedly only) playthrough of this game was so good and I had such a good time playing through it that I knew I wanted to buy this. Played it on Game Pass originally, and shortly after, an update dropped that added massive replayability to the game making it a must buy. It's one of those games that can put you in a ton of crazy scenarios that I'd only expect from a game that included dialogue options.
Best Autumn Cozy Game
With the leaves falling all game long, being home for the holiday and visiting friends, this game felt like drinking a hot cup of cocoa, until it got all weird and I was feeding rats, but other than that, it was chill. Loved loved playing the bass lines for the songs. Also Gregg and Mae are two of my favorite characters now. Bea is up there, too, but Gregg and Mae, man, they rule.
Best Escort Mission Game
Protect Hugo at all costs. The story ended up being pretty good, better than I thought it would turn out, and kinda dragged by the end, but still left me wanting that sequel.
Best Experimental Game
Hylics plays RPGs pretty straight forward so it's gameplay isn't anything to write home about, but the entire thing that the game is wrapped up in sure as hell is. Incredible music, impressive trippy animations and WAYNE. I LOVE WAYNE.
Best Skill Issue Game
From the first time I played Dark Souls 1 I wasn't sure if I'd ever find a game that would make me feel like I was putting pieces together and making sense of the world around me. I've played many Souls-like games and none resonated the way Lies of P does. As a Sekiro scrub, Lies of P made me feel like a god when I could memorize boss and enemy patterns and perfect guard them. It's the closest thing to Sekiro I'll ever have a chance of beating.
Biggest Disappointment
Man, what the fuck is this? Egregious MTX, far too cinematic of a campaign and disappointing in the fatality department. My hype levels were off the charts when this was announced and unfortunately resulted in me refunding it. Keeping an eye on it now, it doesn't look like it has gotten any better.
Best Chaos Sim
Can you think of anything genuinely scarier than a fucking ape rushing at you and knowing full well it's going to kill you? Well, probably, but it's still scary! At least you're the ape here. A lot of replayability that I feel revolves too closely around luck due to the level random generation, but still a lot of fun.
Honorable Mention
Another Survivor-like, though I do like how this one works and all the guns and the different suits. The art is really appealing too, I just vibe with this setting more I think, but the game is not near as polished as Vampire Survivors. Still in Early Access, so could shape up to be even better.
Best Game I Want To Get Back To
The time I spent with Dark Cloud 2 was a memorable one, though at some point I felt like I was kind of doing nothing. A lot of dungeon grinding, a lot of picture taking and not a lot of story progression. That said, this has been on my backlog forever and I want to finish it. I also shelved it right after I unlocked some kind of golf mini game? The hell is that?
Best Series I've Slept On
I've played a few Dragon Quest games, finished a couple and heard many warnings about VII and it's slow start. Let me tell you, those first 20 hours are some of the best world and character building I've experienced. It is slow, yes, and the way they do it is paced so well that it feels natural. Looking forward to jumping back into this one.
Best Game I'll Never Beat
Fuck it, I'll keep trying next year.


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