i couldn't beat one of the fucking bosses and had quicksaved right before it so there was no beating it! it's fine!!!

i bought the sequel for xbox ages ago, played it for 5 minutes, then was filled with the urge to replay the first one. i never picked the sequel back up. at this point (many years later) i want to play it but i'm gonna wait until it's been remastered

only finished X, played maybe an hour of X-2. the story still holds up but the game play felt so lacking at times

starter: mudkip!
i actually gave away my original copy to my best friend so she could play pokemon for the first time. i think i never ended up beating the elite 4, they were too hard for little me, but i consider this game complete in my mind lol

it's probably nostalgia bias but KH1's story is one of those that just stuck with me from the very beginning, and may be one of the first video game endings i cried at. half a star short of 5 only because the gameplay drove me nuts at times lmao

10 y/o me played this one first before any other KH game, i was VERY confused. 5 stars

funnest most intense gameplay of the series. the story was sorely lacking—destiny trio got the shortest end of the stick. justice for kairi!!!!


my brother and i spent AGES on certain maps playing them on grounded difficulty. the euphoria when you finally get through it is unreal. now i hate challenging myself unnecessarily in games, but the mechanics for this one are so good and intuitive that it actually felt rewarding to try the harder difficulties. on top of that the story and characters are just amazing and shake you to your core.