every game needs a DLC like this one

i know we joke about loving the mako but i hate the mako i hate it with everything in me

i got a PSP for this game and didn't finish it lol


the single most memorable thing for me about this game was the way my romance played out, i have to immortalize this here for my memory: i wanted to romance kaidan in ME1 but accidentally romanced liara, then i romanced thane in ME2, broke up with liara at the start of ME3, and finally had thane die on me mid ME3. now while all this happened, kaiden and my shep had this whole falling out, going from allies to enemies. then ME3 comes around and we're tentative friends again, slowly learning to retrust each other. thane my boo dies, shep is single. and she and kaiden FINALLY get together, after what felt like an incredible slow burn. romance of the ages

i do want to play the trilogy again and romance garrus tho

finished 3 out of the 4 possible routes (couldn't bear doing the church route lol). despite its many flaws, i think for me what remains special about this game is the characters, world, and music. years later, i'll still see characters from this game and think "those are my kids!" that means something, i think

starter: mudkip!
i actually gave away my original copy to my best friend so she could play pokemon for the first time. i think i never ended up beating the elite 4, they were too hard for little me, but i consider this game complete in my mind lol

it's probably nostalgia bias but KH1's story is one of those that just stuck with me from the very beginning, and may be one of the first video game endings i cried at. half a star short of 5 only because the gameplay drove me nuts at times lmao

10 y/o me played this one first before any other KH game, i was VERY confused. 5 stars

funnest most intense gameplay of the series. the story was sorely lacking—destiny trio got the shortest end of the stick. justice for kairi!!!!


i couldn't beat one of the fucking bosses and had quicksaved right before it so there was no beating it! it's fine!!!