oh god it's hard to remember which versions of KH i've played. i know for sure we played BBS from this version, which was fine. CoM we will never finish because i simply don't know anyone who can tolerate the card system

this review is mostly for DDD because the other two parts of this game were just fine, i'd say. DDD was really fun! the story was neat, gameplay was much like the previous games with some new fun mechanics that clearly made their way into KH3. the new worlds were fun (i was especially happy to see TWEWY :'))

VERY FUN all the characters are great, beat is best boy

finally played it years after the hype, still amazing. honestly no other fe title i've played thus far has touched me quite the way this one has

finished 3 out of the 4 possible routes (couldn't bear doing the church route lol). despite its many flaws, i think for me what remains special about this game is the characters, world, and music. years later, i'll still see characters from this game and think "those are my kids!" that means something, i think

my brother and i spent AGES on certain maps playing them on grounded difficulty. the euphoria when you finally get through it is unreal. now i hate challenging myself unnecessarily in games, but the mechanics for this one are so good and intuitive that it actually felt rewarding to try the harder difficulties. on top of that the story and characters are just amazing and shake you to your core.

i meant to finish this and just never did...

i meant to finish this and just never did...

i know we joke about loving the mako but i hate the mako i hate it with everything in me


the single most memorable thing for me about this game was the way my romance played out, i have to immortalize this here for my memory: i wanted to romance kaidan in ME1 but accidentally romanced liara, then i romanced thane in ME2, broke up with liara at the start of ME3, and finally had thane die on me mid ME3. now while all this happened, kaiden and my shep had this whole falling out, going from allies to enemies. then ME3 comes around and we're tentative friends again, slowly learning to retrust each other. thane my boo dies, shep is single. and she and kaiden FINALLY get together, after what felt like an incredible slow burn. romance of the ages

i do want to play the trilogy again and romance garrus tho

the companions far outweighed the story for me. jaal my beloved

every game needs a DLC like this one