A movie game that's actually quite good. It's a solid collectathon 3D platformer with good level design and control, plus a pretty good amount of content. Nothing groundbreaking but definitely a good time.


A fun puzzler with smooth visuals and good music. There's something weirdly satisfying about seeing those cubes roll to where they need to be.


A puzzle game with a lot of cubes and even more content. Great music and clever stage design combine for a pretty great package, especially at such a low price point. Highly recommended on any platform.

Insanely difficult? Yes. Superbly crafted with excellent level design, music, controls and visuals? Also yes. The high praise for this game is 100% justified; it really is that good.

Consistently infuriating, relentlessly unfair, and will make even the strongest of friendships collapse into dust. Highly recommended

This game is an absolute delight. The loss of Create Mode is unfortunate for sure, but the core platforming experience is tight and polished. It's got gorgeous visuals with an arts-and-crafts art style, consistently strong and creative level design, smooth controls, and some crushingly difficult levels hiding beneath the cuddly main story. If you liked Super Mario 3D World, you're gonna like this one too. Definitely one of my favorites from recent years.

There are some technical issues that can hold it back, but it's still an enjoyable game. A lot of the additions made to Create Mode help expand the possibilities of what can be made in meaningful ways.

It's Puyo Puyo 1 with Sonic characters. There are better Puyo games but you can't really go wrong with this one.

This game is absolutely infuriating. Would wholeheartedly recommend

A fun and whimsical adventure game. Some puzzles can be a bit confusing, and most of the music is rather forgettable, but the package is overall really solid.

One of the best UGC games ever, with an impressive set of creation tools. I can't wrap my head around them at all, but the people who can are making great stuff. Art's Dream is also a solid, albeit short campaign.

It may not be as good as ModNation Racers, but it's still a great time. Story tracks are really solid and the controls, while a tad floaty, are really smooth once you get the hang of it. I wish I played this while the servers were still online.

LittleBigPlanet + Mario Kart = ModNation Racers. A great idea that's executed very well. The level of customization on offer here is incredibly deep, and while there are better kart racers gameplay-wise, this game is still pretty enjoyable. Loved playing this with my dad from time to time.

It's LittleBigPlanet 1, but worse. It's not a bad game, and the campaign is pretty solid, but it's one of the weaker entries in the series for sure.

An adorable papercraft platformer that uses the DualShock 4 in some very cool ways. It's rather easy but it makes up for that with sheer creativity. A great game for sure.