A game with great gameplay, but some unfortunately pretty unfunny writing. Outside of that, it's a very polished game with great visuals and a lot of fun weapons to blow stuff up with. Definitely interested in playing the other Ratchet & Clank games in the future.

Such a fun game. The action is fast and satisfying, and the game is constantly getting new content. One of the most underrated games of 2021 for sure. Excited to see where this game goes in the future!

I love this game. I'm a big fan of the dream mechanics and the Bros. Attacks. The start of the game is very slow with a lot of hand-holding tutorials, but aside from that, it's rock-solid.

A really solid RPG in the Mario universe with one of my favorite sets of RPG battle mechanics to date. Also has some fantastic witty writing and fun original characters. The visuals are colorful, crisp, and look great on the handheld's screen, and the soundtrack is memorable and well-composed. Check it out.

A really good RPG with deep mechanics, excellent presentation and a very well-written story. Totally didn't almost cry at several points during it. Nope. Didn't happen at all.

Frantic multiplayer platforming fun. Also has a good single-player campaign, but it really shines in multiplayer. Very chaotic, but loads of fun. Also has a pretty cool Color Master mode which makes some fun use of the Wii U GamePad.

What a game. An excellent campaign and level editing tools so powerful that, when in the right hands, can be used to make entirely different games in the LBP engine. The servers may unfortunately be gone, but I'll always look at this game fondly as one of my all-time favorites. Godspeed, Sackboy.

A game with intuitive level editing tools and charm so potent it can fuel sweet dreams for a thousand years. Unfortunately it's lost a lot of what made it special due to the online services being discontinued (thanks a lot, DDoS attackers!) but there's still a pretty solid campaign, at least.

Incredibly enjoyable in multiplayer with great track design and some awesome battle maps. Maddening and unfun in single-player with rubberbanding AI that's just downright unfair.

Genuinely one of the best 3D platformers ever made. Superb level design, an incredible soundtrack and great controls all combine for a bona-fide classic. You really can't go wrong with it.

An iconic 3D platformer with great levels and presentation, but it has not aged well at all. It's still a fun romp, but it is very much a game from 25 years ago, with a pretty bad camera control system and some questionable design choices. The levels, exploration, collectathon elements and abundance of charm are still great to this day, though.

Unironically good. Has a lot of care and polish put into it, with surprisingly intuitive motion controls and tons of excellent fanservice for longtime Super Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog fans. Easy reccomendation for anyone looking for a good Wii party game.

Far from a masterpiece but has a lot of charm and great presentation. Love those exaggerated, cartoony animations.

It's a Sonic game without any sense of speed at any point during gameplay, which is just sacreligious, but even if you look past that it's just kind of dull at best.

A kart racer on the SEGA Game Gear. By god, they tried, but didn't quite stick the landing. Because the Game Gear's screen resolution is so low, you can't see oncoming turns until right before you need to start turning, so it can be pretty frustrating. They really should have just made this on the Genesis.