Short, simple, sweet. I played Pikmin 3 first, but even though this looked a little dated, it absolutely holds up. I love the 30 day time limit, and the broken ship gives way to a very natural progression that makes you feel like you have to survive against all odds. The limited pool of 3 Pikmin colors was a good place to start, even if it feels weird that the yellows haven't really found their place like they do later in the series.

Metroid Prime 2 syndrome. Good game but misses the highs of the last one. Random dungeons and new Pikmin types are very neat, and some of the bosses are certainly more memorable. However, the lack of time limit takes away a lot of the pressure that helped the first one.

The game is pretty unbalanced. At some points, it is both unfairly easy and unfairly hard at the same time. However, its more pikmin fun.

Never played a Gen 2 Pokemon game, so I got this on VC. It was about what you'd expect, very basic Pokemon experience. Not the worst, but far from the best. Love the sprite art in this one though!

I have never played a game quite like Metroid Prime. Definite contender for my favorite game of all time. The sense of isolation and world building is insane, and the Wii pointer controls were surprisingly good. I love how the entire game goes by and not a single line of dialogue is spoken. The scan system is easily one of the coolest parts of the game, and the perfect balance to get just as much of the story and lore as you want.

Truly the best version of this game, and a love letter to Zelda as a whole. I loved the original on Wii U, and this brings everything back plus a ton more. This version features a ton of content from the old versions, plus all the DLCs and more. making for a great package that I had a blast replaying / experiencing the new stuff. Maybe would've ranked higher if I was willing to sink thousands of hours into the new boards, but I just played story. You could realistically play this for over a thousand hours if you wanted to experience everything.

Sailing the open sea really makes you feel like your discoveries are your own once you're given the ability to roam around. The game kept surprising me left and right, and the cel-shading looks gorgeous. Also, having the Wii U gamepad hold the inventory and map worked extremely well for playing on the fly.

More of the same Metroid Prime goodness, but it fails to reach the highs of the first game. The multi-world concept is cool, but the dark and light beams relying on an ammo system becomes an annoying grind for ammo rather than a cool limitation. Being guided around by Umos also takes away from the personal sense of accomplishment of your discoveries.

A love-letter to retro gaming and a cornerstone of indie gaming. Evokes the best parts of classics like Mega Man, Mario 3, Ducktales, and Castlevania with modern updates, but I have no nostalgia for those games. An impressive feat all around. Engaging story, great characters

Its a pretty standard Mario experience. Captures are cool, I guess, but they're far from as cool as regular power-ups would have been. Story isn't anything to write home about, and there's so many moons that they start to feel less special. However, no amount of negatives can change how good it feels to run around and move as Mario here.

I was surprised at just how much I loved this. The characters were charming and the mix of pixel art and portraits, while odd at first, really grew on me. It's like a metroidvania with Zelda dungeons, and they flow together so well. I absolutely loved it.

The problem with Metroid Fusion is it's very hard to recommend. Its a great game to get you into Metroid because its linear, but it has a ton of references that will go over your head if you aren't already a fan of the other 2D games. Veterans won't like how linear it is, and new players (me) won't appreciate it being the "end of the story."

Really cool concept but way short and feels like they could have explored the idea more. I played this off the heels of Shantae solely because it was also made by Wayforward. I saw there's a collection of this and its sequels, that's probably worth the money, but I wouldn't recommend just this one.


This game is so shittily made but I have never had more fun in my life playing a game with a group of friends. It's a great time with friends, but also gets proportionally harder the more people you play with. A great game for fucking around that I probably had way too much fun with.

I don't get the hype, this was mid asf

A pretty basic Metroid experience, but that makes sense considering its the first one. The Zero Suit epilogue is really cool, though. I don't have much to say, it's fun!