Story didn't work for me at all and game felt a bit more frustrating and less fun than the original. Music is still just as great as the first.

Played Mother 1 with Tomato patch + Easy Ring. Hard to give a score because I played right after playing Earthbound and rushed this game a bit.

A whimsical and funny game that is also quite often sincere and beautiful. This is a game that I wish I had played growing up, but it was just as impactful nearly 30 years later. I will cherish this game for a long time.

Some of the most fun I've had in a Pokemon game in quite some time. I hope they will bring these catching mechanics back in the future.

This one didn't click with me. Maybe my expectations were too high based on the overwhelming praise I have seen online. I thought the writing was corny and edgy for the most part. Stealing people's Pokemon was a neat concept though.

They never added local co-op.

It is picross. Not as enjoyable as picross with a touch screen IMO.

Not much of a game, but it is kinda neat.

Very unique puzzle game. Definitely was stumped at a few parts.

Bad game. When is Chess 2 dropping?

Not sure if I beat the last level, but it was pretty enjoyable until that point.

Pretty easy to grind tickets on the arcade version.

Unfortunately, it was a slog to play.

When you see him, things are bad.