Fun game, disappointing as a 3D Mario. Still better than many 3d platformers tho.

Amazing SRPG. 3.5 campaigns to play with DLC. 4 really with alternate route in one campaign. Deep characters, second half of the game could have more content to do in the monestary but its one of the best games of the gen. Music is superb.

Great game, endless core co op loop. Endgame could be more fleshed out. Graphics are good for switch but not as good as MHW. Overall its presentation isn't as good as MHW but the zaniness and characters are unique enough. Mechanics are better than MHW.

Fun gameplay, no idea what is going with story but that doesn't matter lol

One of my fav puzzle games ever. Wish the IP got more use.

Cute if ultimately forgettable game.

One of the best fighters of all time.

Cool concept but the core gameplay hook is just a tab bit repetitive and boring.

Great for its time. Amazing music, cool concept. Controls are clunky but you can get used to it

Not awful and the new characters work well, but the low point for the TWD Telltale series.

Serviceable but low point for LiS series. Chloe is great but the game has no tension, you know what will happen, feels like its going through the motions, and some of the VA are different.

Great concept. Need more unique games like this.