While it's mostly fun, this is not Dread X at it's best. The quality of the games is more inconsistent than even the first game in the series (unfortunately likely due to the new wave of devs), but the biggest issue is the lack of a real stand-out that alone is worth the price of admission (Outsiders/Shatter, Squirrel Stapler/Diving Bell, Chips Tips [and 75% of 3 imo], The Fruit/Uktena). Not that games in other collections like Pony Factory, Toy Shop and Seraphixiam didn't have a ton of jump scares, but this collection seems littered with them (and screamers) to the point where only a couple of the games made me at all tense.
Spirit Guardian, Interim and Beyond the Curtain are straight-up bad. Book of Blood and Hunsvotti were half-baked, both having threats that were ineffective both in terms of horror and mechanics. While I enjoyed Vestige and Rotten Stigma, they were nothing I hadn't seen before (from the top 2 in this collection, nonetheless). Ludomallica and Gallerie were excellent concepts that could have easily carried the collection, but in the former's case needed to do more and in the latter's case needed to do less.
Lastly are Karao and We Never Left, really cool and the two best this collection has to offer (although neither are all that scary). It's almost worth buying for these two (and the hub world, if you like FNAF, I guess).

Despite having half as many games as the prior 2 collections, each game is twice as long and they're mostly quite well-made.

The Fruit is awesome for a demo and I look forward to a potential full game. 8/10. Besides that we have a lot of clones (of excellent games, mind you, all 6 or 7/10s).
Axis Mundi is a mini Fatal Frame, House of Unrest is a mini RE1 if Dante was the protag, Black Relic is a mini RE4 Clone and Uktena is a more fleshed out Squirrel Stapler
The two biggest misses were Seraphixial and Rose of Meat, which also happen to be the most visually interesting of the bunch, which is unfortunate, but at least gives them a level of play value.
Lastly, the hub is like The Thing meets Obra Dinn
Overall, would recommend it on sale.

It's not too different from something you'd find in a DreadX pack, play time included.

I 100%ed this, took about 7 hours. While it has almost nothing of what made the original game great outside of a few areas, appears very cheaply made, has terrible platforming, takes style over substance, has a fraction of the content of the original and is occasionally headache-inducing, I think it deserves some credit for it's horror, enemy design and original areas.


Playing this is like if you got a Japanese version of Zelda 1, but someone spiked it with modern indie juice and lofi hip-hop beats to relax and study to. Reminded me a lot of Fez and Hyper Light Drifter. Would definitely recommend avoiding looking anything up while playing, at least until the credits roll. Expect a lot of backtracking and cryptic shit if you plan to go for the Platinum.

Zelda is hot in this one, especially when he has to sneak into the desert town.

My favourite part is when Shenmue had to drive the forklift for 5 real-life hours straight.

I like beating the living shit out of people with the default girl and making Dubu cartoonishly large, what can I say?

This game did the "Terrible day for rain" meme almost 5 years before Fullmetal Alchemist (also this is leagues better than the first two games)

Yakuza: Like a Dragon is a very simple, straightforward game. It's like if you put Shenmue + An HBO Series + Dragon Quest 8 + An Eight-Hour Workday + A whole Mario Kart game + College + The Pokedex + Foodie Tourism + Trash Processing + Xenoblade-style Heart-To-Hearts + A Farming Sim + Pacman if he ate Garbage + A Retro Movie Theater with a little splash of Persona into the same game, and I'm only a third through.

It's not as horrendous as the meme, but it is almost brainless. The story lacks substance, some of the enemies don't even target you, I died less than 5 times... I can't say I hated the romp. Although most combat just was me shuffling between doing practically no damage and melting entire boss health bars when Devil Trigger popped, the setting (while repeated) was pleasant and the designs and cutscenes well-made. To me, with it's additions since 1, it felt like an unfinished prototype of Bayonetta 1, a game I am quite fond of. Wouldn't recommend, but is definitely overhated.

Be honest. You're just here for Poop Killer.

The games are dull and often frustrating, but entertaining enough if you want an afternoon of camp horror.
Best: Neighbour One, RIP, Poop Killer Origins
Worst: Legend Hunter, Moon One, Poop Killer 5

This game is a masterpiece.

...and then you leave the character creator, which you modded the shit out of to make the oddest motherfuckers on the block and realize how depressing it would be to micromanage their lives for the next 40-60 hours.

I got indoctrinated into a cult by a clown man with a giant forehead, slowly climbed my way up the corporate ladder by selling Beef Pies to new players, then was betrayed during my promotion as the clown attempted to have me killed by a pack of bears to use my flesh for more meat pies.

Adventure is out there if you wait long enough through the menial grind of repeating the same task for days on end.