Furry metroidvania made by like 2 people. Fair play on their end, but man that gameplay gets old. The story also reads a bit like fan fic so I wasn't super invested.


Hell yeah brother. Kill those demons, hoo-rah.

So good. Such a cool idea for a game, and plenty of secrets.

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Just Monika

Lost some of the magic of the first game, but still a fantastic experience. Keeps the open ended levels with some standouts even better than the first, along with 2 characters makes for a really fun experience regardless of flaws.

Magical stealth fun. Pseudo immersive sim with plenty of different paths and abilities that allow for experimentation and creates a cool world to do it in. Fantastic stuff!

Fun stuff. Dante and Nero are so fun, but V sucks. I also hate using red orbs for combo upgrades but that's fine.

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One of the most touching, soul-wrenchingly tragic stories I have ever experienced. There is nothing that could have prepared me for how dark and depressing this world is and how attached I would become to the characters and their tragedies. Cyberpunk 1.0 was a buggy mess with a lot of systems that I hated, but the story kept me going. Now with 2.0 they have fixed nearly everything and have created such a fun gameplay loop with a cool world and amazing story.

Fun anime souls-like that understands the appeal of the giants whose shoulders it attempts to climb. Not quite up to snuff but it has some cool bosses, with some of which being hair yankingly frustrating.

A fine game with some cool ideas. The gameplay itself was slow and frustrating and the story never really led to an satisfying mystery. Cool stuff, but was a bit of a slog.

The tone of the game is significantly more fun than any of its contemporaries but the gameplay drags it down. Not my cup of tea, but fun with friends despite its flaws.

A great game to play with friends, an such a fun world and tone. However the looter shooter genre is not my bread and butter, so the gameplay annoyed me quite a bit at times.

While still an amazing game, the gameplay is rougher and less interesting than the previous games as it went full COD instead of being more adjacent to a survival horror game. The story is intriguing but gets far too confusing. Otherwise a good time

Almost just as good as the first. Rapture remains amazing, playing as a big daddy is crazy fun, and the gameplay has been improved, however I find the story a bit weaker. Still some of the best gaming you can do.

One of the coolest stories set to game. The gameplay is fun, and it really showed what a shooter can do. Atmosphere, sound, and music all combine to make Rapture a tour de force of a world and the writing creates such a strong story that you would be hard pressed not to find something to like.