One of the greatest games I have ever played. The gameplay is immaculate and an improvement on every level over the first. It is a bit convoluted and the disney stuff is just not part of the plot at all.

Incredible game, brings a bit for everyone and has an amazingly full world. The disappointment comes with the lack of traditional Zelda dungeons and a frustrating weapon durability system

Overhated for how amazing the game is. The story is sizably epic and incredibly touching. The backtracking can be mind numbing but the ideas and areas are well executed.

Best Zelda game and they look great in my rose tinted goggles.

One of my favorite games of all time. The one that got me into it, and has remained a staple in my life for years and years. The gameplay is varied and interesting with the classic mario fun. A gorgeously orchestrated soundtrack with stellar visuals.

What a surprise. This game creates such a beautiful world with an incredible art style but the gameplay is just a bit lacking. It's a shame there isn't more

Lara Croft is a legend, in this and the past. This game creates a new strong Lara with plenty of danger and a darker tone

One of if not the best multiplayer survival games ever. The bosses and the progression is incredible as well. It has the slight edge over Minecraft for me

short, sweet, and very very creative. Also probably a technical achievement

stupid bs with stupid jumpscares... good stuff

Much shorter and less interesting to explore. The flora and the fauna are recycled and reskinned so that is a bit disappointing. Besides that, the formula is there and super fun

Wow wow wow what a treat. Survival done close to perfect. Worth every hour, and more to come!

So short it's a crime! But it is one of the coolest puzzle mechanics ever.

More fun than the first, keeps cal feeling strong while giving new and fun ways to play. EA needs to leave this franchise in the devs hands so they can polish it more. They rushed the game out and it was unplayable for months.

Best star wars game in years. I just wished they would stop nerfing lightsabers so much, there is little to no dismemberment.