Zagreus are you free on thursday to hang out please call me i am a

really worked for me on the 'video game as a toy to mess around with' side. really satisfying to just move around in the world, interact with stuff, go fishing. and of course the story is fairly simple but really effective. i played the whole thing in a haze on christmas day and left feeling pleasantly fuzzy

i rly respect these bitches so much. educational games for weird little girls rise up

if kim kitsuragi has million number of fans i am one of them. if kim kitsuragi has ten fans i am one of them. if kim kitsuragi has no fans. that means i am no more on the earth. if world against kim kitsuragi, i am against the world. i love kim kitsuragi till my last breath... die hard fan of kim kitsuragi. Hit like if u think kim kitsuragi best & smart in the world

everyone involved in making this game should be arrested. sorry elliot page

i'm counting watching a lets play as having played this, both because the nature of the gameplay leads me to believe having the controller in my hands would not be a meaningfully different experience, and also because i will be dead and buried before i give a single red cent to david cage

this game is generally complete dogshit with the occasional moment of mediocrity. when it is not beating you over the head with its cartoonishly insensitive racism metaphor, the moment to moment dialogue and impressive graphics can often be competent enough to trick you into thinking something compelling is happening on screen. it is important to remember that this is a lie, which is thankfully easy to do by simply thinking about any aspect of the narrative for more than 2 seconds. connor's storyline is the best of the three in the sense that underneath the layers of bullshit is a very nearly average story about a robot detective; underneath kara and markus's bullshit is just more bullshit. do not get me STARTED on how stupid that goddamn alice plot twist is i'll never stop.

detroit: become human's vision of the future commits the crime of not only being completely nonsensical, but also boring. it is uninterested in exploring artificial intelligence from either a technical or philosophical angle; it simply expects you to accept that androids, once 'deviant', function literally exactly the same as humans (other than having some cool sci-fi wizard powers). society is bizarrely unchanged by their creation; one would expect their seemingly ubiquitous presence to have a huge cultural impact that just....isn't there. there's more self driving cars and a couple of things are holograms now, i guess.

this could perhaps be forgivable if the game used this extremely lame backdrop to say literally anything interesting. david cage's beautiful groundbreaking video game experience, of course, does not do this. it seems to be under the impression that regurgitating imagery from chattel slavery, the american civil rights movement, and the holocaust is all you need to do to tell a story about the nature of oppression or the human condition. the most charitable reading of this is that the folks at quantic dream have a child's understanding of the world, and perhaps should be doing something else with their time rather than creating very expensive, deeply stupid video games.

tldr; the hypnotically caucasian whole foods market of video games.

very sweet without being cloying! great atmosphere, solid writing. all the characters were great. really good at creating a sense of wanting to linger. also i liked the fact that them being animals was actually acknowledged in game! i've seen it more commonly be a purely stylistic choice, so it was fun to see it come up in dialogue.


"hey man why do you play all these dating sims when you are deeply unromantic as a person and dislike nearly all romance content you encounter" thank you so much for your question. its because i am a hater and i cannot be stopped. anyways this game sucks

hey this game is pretty good. not sure if anyone else is talking about this

listen man this was just not the game for me. the aesthetic does not compel me enough to carry the bland gameplay, and dragon age had already spoiled me on rpg companion character arcs and development. unrelated but when i first played i managed to somehow softlock myself in the deathclaw tutorial section and overwrite my saves so i had to restart with a completely fresh file. never lived it down

my #1 blockbuster rental i would always be so excited. shit slapped i would just make a bunch of animals and watch them fight

when i first played, the initial jumpscare(?) got me in a way i have literally never been Gotten by a game. the rest of the game never really got close to hitting that high again, but i still admire it as an experiment in twine horror. overall a pretty solid execution of a neat little concept.

the best mario game. do not @ me i do not care

my moms boyfriend let me play this on his ps2 but i had already developed a phobia of open water and also sharks so i just played in the tutorial area for hours. 10/10