1089 Reviews liked by brockreiher

another delightfully cute and chill little narrative game from Grace Bruxner

if you ignore the hype leading up to its release and just go into it expecting a dumb linear FPS with a dumb story that thinks it's much smarter than it actually is and has terrible horseshoe-theory politics... it's actually not half bad

that final battle sucks though

I can't believe I actually played this. What a dogshit game, the only reason I played it was to see the interactions between the characters and that somewhat fell flat. Glad to see Akechi in it though, battle mechanics were fine, first Q game was better

Brock, they made a second one for GBC

My review wasn't funny so I edited it

Solidified kratos as the most raw mf in the gaming genre im not tryna hear anything else



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This fangame is one of the best 3D Sonic games ever. The included levels veer a bit too much on the difficult side as they go on, but the mod scene makes this game in my opinion.

I'm not one to invoke or praise the work of one Armond White, but his patented "hipster nihilism" label is too apt here.

A game that hates games as well as players.

The Stanley Terrible. I played the mod. The difference is that this is the exact same joke and it costs money.