143 Reviews liked by bullfrog

And with that, I’ve played every fromsoftware souls game

Despite being a 2009 game, this game actually holds up well…………..mostly

It veers dangerously close to jingoistic militarism before reverting to what Destiny does best once you penetrate the Deep Stone Crypt : Monumental firefights and sprinkles of existentialism to keep you on edge.

How often do videogames take you to space and back again in a wonderfully circular movement around a single boss fight ? That's what happens when Bungie doesn't take itself so seriously and instead plays to the strengths of their franchise. The best raid since Leviathan.

The lack of imagination demonstrated by Shadow of War's interweaving systems is best understood through a story lens :

Fifteen years have passed and we're still chasing the shadow of Sauron all across Middle-Earth. Still summoning the specter of an old armor for petty squabbles. There's no endgame here, just stacks upon stacks of meat puppets.

appropriate in many ways as the apex of open world game design this generation, hysterical in others. on the one hand it's one of the blandest and most by the numbers maps i've ever seen. on the other hand the crux of the narrative revolves around the main character making the hard choice to do stealth kills instead of "Go Loud." sadly the latter aspect isn't funny enough to carry it

The best Destiny has ever been according to some - who knows ? - and yet still such a small thing, despite Riven, despite the Dreaming City, despite Trust being one of my favorite revolver in any game.
There's a perk called Dragonfly that allows every headshot kill to summon an explosion out of your adversary's corpse. It's the best thing this game has ever done, and that's it.

Destiny is sweet, sugar-coated doom.

I never want Disco Elysium to end.

It has to end at all costs.

Crammed with so many incredible scenes and sequences that it makes you forget all the times it didn't - couldn't - live up to the expectations of a finale ; simply one of the saga's very best.

Scorching atomisation of the self, not vague critique of the military-industrial complex, is what makes Spec Ops : The Line stand on its legs almost ten years later.

Indigent as an immersive sim and shallow as an artistical proposition. The faux-transhumanist mirror this industry deserves.

No idea why people shit on this game, unreal scope and great universe.

A worthy sequel that takes the narrative gaming experience to another level and makes me feel stuff I haven't felt in a video game.

I sort of have a love-hate relationship with this game.

Truth be told this game was pretty much my life between 2010 and 2014 (as well as 2015 and 2016 to some extent) and I pretty much grew up with it. To this day I still feel like it had a major impact on my life with some of the people I met and am still friends with now, plus my interest in gaming and content creation to this day. I also do really think it provides a good gateway for kids to get more into game design and have a social platform of some sorts (even though the community is pretty questionable sometimes). People have made some pretty impression stuff with ROBLOX, with some games like Phantom Forces and Adventure Forward not feeling too far off from most A-tier indie games.

That said, I feel like ROBLOX itself has sort of fallen into line with a lot of modern mobile games on the corporate aspect with the amount of microtransactions and sponsorships this game has gotten. I kind of get it - obviously with all the servers and games being hosted there does need to be money, but it's definitely become noticeable even with some of the individual games on the platform having microtransactions and stuff like that. Plus I feel like there's been a lot of features that I did like that have been removed from the game over the years - probably the most notable one for me being PBS games alongside voxel terrain, which for me allowed for a lot of fun just building with friends in real-time.

I'll give it a 5 because of nostalgia tho

this is literally the funniest game of all time nothing sends me into a laughing fit more often and harder than playing jank ass games held together with tape with my friends in a discord call and seeing them break apart in the stupidest ways

Been continuously trying to "get" demon's souls has been potentially harming for me honestly.

I'm not saying I don't understand where everyone's praise is coming from, and I don't write this in some act of their upheaval, but moreso because I walk through the fog wall feeling nary a thing. Seeing the talk of the town years and years later as I try to get into it after being able to appreciate other games I didn't before and still feeling the same npc face go across me is like a gutshot to the heart.

The vibe is not for me I guess. I can break down how effortlessly and excellent a lot of the qualities are that makes the unique and interesting game this certainly is, but all of it feels tenuous and out of my grasp when I try to visualize it and feel it. But even now I still feel a startling obligation that I have to finish it at some point, because almost all of my friends and peers on here love it. Who knows, maybe years from now too I'll break through whatever metaphysical wall is in the way but I'm starting to think that it never existed and that reality is ugly here as it was for the kingdom of Boleteria.