656 Reviews liked by bwoe

How brave of them to be so willing to make not only SNK's best protagonist ever, but make their previous best protagonist even more handsome

please play a better rhythm game

You know how FE combat is pretty bad when it’s just “bunch of blue units against bunch of red units” because you can aggro the red units one by one with a tank, clean house with the other blues, move the tank up one space, spam end turn until it’s over, and that’s why FE thrives when map design, enemy compositions, chests and valuables, recruitable NPCs you don’t want to kill with a counterattack, turn limits, enemy AI, map objectives and win conditions run directly counter to that?
What if we removed all of that and made a merge units mechanic that doubles your stats in a game with low level DnD campaign tier numbers that further benefits the spam end turn strat?

You know how FE has three plots they recycle every few games? What if we put all of them in at once, having the astoundingly high number of around NINE chapters each to start, develop and conclude?

At least they finally nailed menu management, cartridge blast processing technology makes animations a joy to watch and skip both, and whoever came up with the idea of having battle tracks being map themes with added instruments that switch in and out instantly deserves a Grammy

can we replace uber with kneeling at a specific wall with a red crystal equipped

no i don't WANT to play the better puyo games, I want to play the puyo game with the robots that looked like they fucked my mom

this game is the only reason people outside of the fgc care about the ng pocket

Extra half a star for removing JonTron.

horrible dialogue, inconsequential level design, copy pasted enemies, forgettable bosses... wait this is just the first half

Not only is it a bad game, it has Jordan Peterson propaganda!

The giant on whose shoulders almost every other indie game stands on turns out to be... kind of dated and aged, even if it's impressive for both what it achieves on its own, as well as its legacy.

Shame Nicalis is hell-bent on squeezing every last bit of its soul now.

don't buy this game
not because it's bad, but because it's actually free, don't listen to Nicalis