641 Reviews liked by bwoe

Prison. Prison for everyone who made this.

Why would I want to play a game called “World of Warcraft” when I already live in a world with the United States in it

If I ever have kids and I walk in on them playing something like this I'm putting them up for adoption.

Getting filtered by this game is a sign that your bloodline is weak and should refrain from touching video games for the rest of your life

i speak for all women in the room when i say fuck you kishida mel

rip bozo

"Ooohhh reddit dialogue oohhhh cringe mid oooohhh"

Lobotomite, you browse Twitter daily.

what they/them pussy does to a mf

Overall, these are excellent remasters of the LISA games. The core gameplay is still there with solid improvements and some quality of life. Both games have additional super bosses and added lore bits, which are super great for anyone revisiting the series.

Still just as good as back when I first played in 2016, and I was very happy to return to it all.

I was really hype for this. It was at my peak Nintendo cuck era

[This log covers the story demo released before launch]

Annoying. Exactly what you think "Platinum Games style combat by people who balance MMO bosses" would play like- built around dealing chip damage as you wait for cooldowns to end to deal slightly more damage. Looks nice and the voice acting was okay though. Probably not gonna pick the full game up for a long time though, if ever.

if you crash you get a close-up of a dying kid's pupils dilating while he has an hemorrhage
sega really doesn't make games like they used to

When modders thought about "we have fixed the game" but actually they made it worse. This is what ng sigma really feels like.

when following a quest i am usually Bored Out Of My Gourd. when ignoring the quests and exploring freely i am having some of the Best Gaming Of My Life. i don't really know how to square this circle

update: i had to increase my rating for this because currently DD2 is lower rated than FF16 on here and that is Fucking Unacceptable

This review was written before the game released

The artistic choice to base Shaggy's moveset almost entirely on ultra instinct memes from 2019 will forever be a ball and chain on this game's ankle