"The Most Unwanted Song" is slightly under twenty-two minutes long. Lead singer Dina Emerson raps lyrics about the American frontier in an operatic voice. The narrator of the song is a cowboy who kills wild animals with a knife, lassos cows, and rides through the wilderness "wild and free". The cowboy rests by reading philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein's 1921 work Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus and pondering his philosophy of language. After singing a verse about Wittgenstein in German, he returns home to make love to Miss Kitty, shoots a suspicious stranger, and fights "Injuns" in order to build a grocery store on their land that will sell American cheese. Emerson's verses are repeatedly interrupted by a children's choir that describes various holidays and urges listeners to call their relatives and shop at Walmart, and by several sections of dissonant free improvisation designated in the score as "slams". Towards the end of the song, Mankin shouts various political terms and slogans into a megaphone over harp-driven "elevator music", followed by a unison "folk song" refrain. According to Soldier, there were less than 200 people in the world who could be expected to like "The Most Unwanted Song" at the time of writing.

Some of the best sprites of any 90s game ever made, wasted on a janky Art of Fighting game that poorly incorporates 3D-style fighting. Kasumi is great though.

What the hell, why is this actually good

Aw hell naw who put Einstürzende Neubauten in my arcade shmup

Has has some some points over 3rd Strike (nicer stages, widescreen support, cool super effect, actual win screens), but it's all visual. The bugs and awkward hitboxes almost ruin it. Just play 3rd Strike.

Daisuke Amaya singlehandedly started the entire independent video game scene and was cheated out of his money and fame. Fuck Nicalis.

Download the freeware version and buy Kero Blaster instead.

A traffic management and corpse transportation simulator disguised as a city builder.

I'll give it 5/5 once it gets a 60fps patch. Until then...

Yes, it's a barebones port. Yes, it's basically a cashgrab.

But don't let that put you off - these are two of the best platformers of all time in one cheap and convenient package. A must-have for anyone who likes the genre.

What an odd game. It takes obvious influence from 1980's magical girl anime what with its protagonist and theme song, but the environments and gameplay hark back to SNK's gritty pre-Neo Geo shooters like Ikari Warriors, Time Soldier and Guerrilla War.

i recieve: Thousands of your hard earned dollars
you receive: Generic cute 'em up

Great game, but who was the fucking pillock that decided Castlevania needed limited continues?

The fact that this is a CPS2 game is INSANE, 20+ years later and it's still the best Vs. game presentation-wise. Of course it doesn't come close to 2 or 3, but it's still a damn fine fighter.

Even with a romhack, it's no good.

I want to hate this but I'm too nostalgic for shitty Newgrounds art and OCRemix to do so.

Also it's the first fighting game with rollback netcode ever, put some respect on the OG