I want to love this game, and in many ways I do. It unfortunately just struggled to capture the same magic as the original on PlayStation 4, I’m not a huge Sony fan but that was always the exception. In many ways this game surpassed the original but still feels like there’s something missing, just a tiny bit of that friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man lost.

I thought I hated open world Zelda until I played this game, it is an utterly joyous game that values player freedom and creativity over everything else in a way not many other games even come close, one of the best Zelda games of all time, unfortunately the source of a lot of contrarianism where people have to believe that popular thing bad.

The best game ever made and it’s not really a competition, Majora’s Mask manages to have something to think about no matter which lens you look at it through, regardless of what the creators intended it is one of the most fascinating and abstract games to analyse. Also you get to be a Zora and swim real fast and honestly that’s just the best.

Grand Theft Auto V is definitely one of Rockstar’s worst mainline games, as a story it trips over itself and often feels like it’s caught up on being miserable, it expects us to take these characters seriously while simultaneously having them exist in this (personally) unfunny, immature and simplistic satire that feels full of itself, a sense of humour that feels right at home in a terrible adult comedy cartoon. Then the characters actually talk to each other and suddenly that all melts away, the jokes and scenes are actually entertaining sometimes, it’s like the game doesn’t know what it wants to be, what tone to have.

This is compounded by a cynical, money hungry live service style online mode that is so detached from the original game that it might as well not be anymore.

But it is funny when man fall down so, do with that what you will.

Played on anything other than an actual n64, this game is a genuine treat, such a charming and quaint game, that it’s really hard to acknowledge its flaws. It’s just so fun to play, its age is not a detriment but instead part of the experience, what a lovely time, highly recommend to anyone, it’s just a straight up good platformer.

I wish I could consider this a favourite game, without a shadow of a doubt it is Rockstar’s best story, and I personally don’t think that the story would’ve worked in any other medium, there is no other medium that allows us to connect with a protagonist like this, to spend so much time with them. That being said, the story and gameplay are very disconnected to me, it is Rockstar’s game design at its worst, and that’s just so disappointing. As a long-form interactive story, Red Dead Redemption 2 ranks highly, but as a coherent and connected game that merges that story with the actual gameplay, it suffers greatly. Treat your employees like people.

A game that in all reality should be a 5/5 but falls just short. There’s something missing, a bit of that Resident Evil variety and replay value, enemies that feel unfair and like they’re almost magnetically attracted to the player. The lack of music is pretty egregious and the fact the original soundtrack is behind a paywall is unacceptable.

The game’s horror feels a bit cheap, the use of gore feels edgy and over the top at points without feeling justified, which granted, is part of the Resident Evil charm, but this game expects you to actually be a little scared at least. There are a few very gorey scenes that had me rolling my eyes. The use of dark hallways and a flashlight also feels a little cheap, and a bit pop horror game-y like it’s trying to be Let’s Play/Streamer bait.

It’s still a fantastic game despite all this, I’d genuinely recommend it to anyone, unmatched atmosphere.

Resident Evil 7 is one of the best games in the series, the idea that the game was a return to form for the franchise has been done to death, what’s more interesting is everything it did differently.

A new tone and art style, Resident Evil 7 is grounded in a way the games before it never even attempted, the art direction makes the horror scarier and the zanier parts more surreal, the perfect balance between true scares and pure camp that few games have ever managed.

A setting that will stick in my mind forever, Resident Evil 7 is the perfect blend of classic Resident Evil and 2010s pop horror games.

Resident Evil Village is a personal favourite, more of a guilty pleasure as even someone as biased as me can recognise the faults. Village’s aesthetic is by far its strongest part. The game’s dark fantasy feel almost makes me think of Twilight Princess every time I play.

Resident Evil 4 in first person sure is a fun game, the action nonsense is unfortunately worsened slightly by being built on its predecessor, Resident Evil 7, using a lot of the same controls and mechanics from a much more horror focused game. Regardless, Village is one of the most earnestly camp games in recent memory, and it stands as a personal favourite as a result.

Half-Life 2 really should be better than the original, yet to me at least, it isn’t. Half-Life 2 is clearly trying to do something new and different, but feels like it lost something as a result. As a physics tech demo it is fantastic, no matter how many years go by flinging objects and bolting combine to the walls is still just as fun. However it is let down by a lack of weapon variety, overall weaker presentation on said weapons and a more generic shooter feel in comparison to the 90s sci-fi halls of Black Mesa and the feeling of a grand disaster happening around you.

What had the potential to be a very interesting exploration of the archetypal action game protagonist and their psyche, is fumbled entirely by being a Ubisoft game.

Genuinely one of the most fun and charming games ever made, puts a smile on my face like nothing else, the first true successor to Mario 64 and it does it perfectly.

I cannot fully articulate how much I adore this game, it is absolutely impossible to give a fair review but I’ll try my best anyway.

Resident Evil 4 remake is one of the most fun video games ever made, pure mechanical and aesthetic bliss. Initially I was extremely worried, the trailers made it seem more like the previous remakes with cheap horror, dark hallways and flashlights, but no, this game is not a horror game, it doesn’t even try, and that’s okay. Every character is a huge improvement over their original, both in design and writing. Characters are given way more time to breathe, the combat is given new depth, it truly is a new game, it is not a remake. It is a second attempt at an old idea, a new take on an old story and characters and that’s the best thing it could be. I love Ashley Graham she’s the absolute best and a major improvement over the original.

Please play this game as just a game, the idea that it’s a remake does it a disservice.

It’s the only good 3D Fallout game and that’s not saying much, but it’s actually good outside of that too! Great even! The game is definitely overhyped, and the performance issues are pretty bad and require third party patches, not exactly the developers’ fault, more Bethesda’s but it still is a pretty egregious problem, other than that Fallout New Vegas is one of the best RPGs ever made, there is so much to see and so many unique ways to engage, player freedom is so rewarded, you can be so many different types of people.

I’m sorry, I really wanted to like this game, and maybe I will. I just don’t feel at all captured by it the way other people do, felt like a slog. I will return to finish it, but as of right now I couldn’t really recommend this to anyone, one of the few games I’d argue actually does work better as a show.