Half-Life is an absolute classic, I’ve played it so many times I can map out the Black Mesa research facility in my head. Great atmosphere especially if you have your settings right, which the steam release didn’t up until recently. Everyone should play Half-Life, as outside of a few tedious sections it is one of the most fun and engaging games from the time and holds up remarkably well as a first person shooter.

Another addition to the list of games I wish I enjoyed, Ultimate is a good game, I recognise that. Maybe it’s just nostalgia blinding me, but I just enjoy all the previous entries more. I played this game to death like every other Smash game, but unlike the others I felt it was missing something, like it was almost too good. Missing some janky charm, I had no desire to get good at it like with the others, the idea of being competitive seemed tiring. Daisy is pretty cool though so I mean, yeah.

What if Resident Evil 4 was bad?

What is there to say about Ocarina of Time anymore, it is iconic for a reason, an absolute classic, if you can get past the clunky visuals you can find so much here.

The original dreamcast version of Sonic Adventure is probably the best game in the series, I cannot imagine any other entry with as much charm and style as this. Truly a time capsule of a game, it is the earnestness in which it goes through its genuinely insane storyline that makes it so entertaining. Funny fast hedgehog saves the city from an ancient wrathful water god all while every character’s mouth movements look painful. If you can play this over the travesty of Sonic Adventure DX, please do.

Without a shadow of a doubt the best survival horror game ever made, the quintessential classic in the genre. While Resident Evil 1 and 2 both have their charms, if you want the perfected form of classic Resident Evil gameplay then look no further, I constantly forget just how good this game is.

Worth it for the soundtrack alone.

The best Fallout game ever, we have never even come close since. While Fallout 1 is great as well, I can’t think of anything better than 2, one of the best RPGs ever made.