Why does Jinkler want ti kiss Man? is he stupied?


wouldnt open, the steam forums for this game are dead, no google results for my glitch, and their customer support didnt even answer my email.
wouldnt be surprised if this turned out to be a scam.

i mainly give this rating due to the fun i can have shinyhunting on the ultra space ride

Is there a lore reason why Crow is trying to scare Man? is he stupid?

a persona fighting game actually worked

Getting destroyed by my brother simulator
cant go wrong with that

I wish there was local multiplayer, but hey, its still good

Why did jaker take steroids? is he addicted?

how the fuck did they manage to port this?

noir vulture made me feel things i never knew i could feel

grimlock and metroplex felt underused in the story but besides, the game is really fucking good


The fact that you can forget about the story and just fuck around as a silly cat is insane... although the story is really good, so you wouldnt really wanna miss out.

metal gear rising but transformers, no stealth and no hot ninjas and politicians trying to kill you

Story is alright but gameplay wise, its just peak third person shooter imo.
they should have added more incentive to the vehicle form in combat instead of just being able to move faster with it though.