Holy Shit! It's your mom! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
please laugh

wizard with funny gun that goes like BANG and POW

I watched that tutorial thing for longer than I should have

Once I found out that the shield turned into a sword, I thought it was cool, but barely used it.
Then i found out that it was also a hook thing, and uh... you can guess what happened afterwards.

I only managed to stop my addiction to this game after starting another addiction to New Leaf

the alien heard me through the ps camera mic and ran to my hiding spot at full speed.
I don't know how I managed to sleep that night

I still don't know why the space is dead :(

I played this because of the memes and I don't regret that choice

It's literally IMPOSSIBLE to get bored, there's the cyber grind, a sandbox with all the tools you could possibly ask for, the most random secrets ever, and even after all that, you have mods.
And I won't even get started on the gameplay, play it for yourself and witness it with your own eyes.

I do think it is overhated, but that's probably because it's the first sonic game I ever beat, so I'm biased as fuck.
Infinite's story was wasted potential though, actually, cut that, the whole game was.

This game hits harder than it should

I want Susie Haltmann to step on me

I suck massive balls at this game